• Stacy Dlamini-Theme: Magi (Wise Men)
  • Stacy Dlamini-Theme: Magi (Wise Men)
    Matthew 2:1-12
    Magi was the term applied to men who were astrologers, who had uncommon skills to read the future and interpret the signs of the times. These were wise and highly educated men from Persia.
    The three magi brought Jesus very unique gifts each with a significant and important meaning.
    Gold -representing Kingship
    Frankincense- a symbol of deity.
    Myrrh-an embalming oil a symbol of death.
    Many people in Judea at that time had no idea that God’s salvation plan had been activated among them. But the Magi from the east were in tune with the times and God and they knew what was going on, they knew a divine King was born here on earth. Therefore, the Magi bowed down and gave their riches to Jesus. God revealed himself and his wonderful plans to the Magi. It is wonderful to know that Christ our almighty King was first worshiped by Shepherds, Angels and three specially chosen wise men.
    Friday, November 30, 2018
    Posted by BillR at 8:47 AM
    No comments: Sunday November 25, 2018
    A few notes from Sunday evening. (Thanks, Jean)
    Peter Mc Laren – Theme: Our Faith Family
    Ephesians 4:2-3 with all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love, 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
    Hebrews 10:24-25 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
    The church family is extremely important, we need to continually build each other up in the faith of Jesus Christ. The devil will will try to divide us, insult us and attack us as he is the accuser of the brethren and we need to fight him together. God calls to minister to each other by prayer, love and encouragement. We need to encourage each other to continue living God’s way and resist the world’s temptation to stray from Christ. It is vital we continue meeting together and serve God in unity, the wrong crowd and bad actors are always out there to pull us away. The family of God needs to keep each other focused and obeying Christ and protected and strong from the enticement and influence of the world.
    Friday, November 16, 2018
    Posted by BillR at 5:35 AM
    No comments: Sunday November 11, 2018
    A few notes from Sunday's service. (Thanks, Jean)
    Dr. Barclay – Something to Think About
    There will will never be true peace, until the Prince of Peace returns.
    Very often we forget the things we should remember, and we remember the things we should forget. We seem to forget the diseases, sickness, vermin, loneliness and dying. Yet we remember parades, pomp, pageantry, names of battles and government leaders. War is all through the bible from the beginning till the end of Revelation. War is something we cannot get away from because we are humans and unfortunately we do forget. Weak and poor leadership is the downfall of many nations and the cause of many wars.
    Sadly we will always have war and conflict on this earth until Christ returns and reigns supreme from Zion and we all long for and welcome that glorious day. There will never be peace until the Prince of Peace dwells here among us.
    Micah 4:1-3
    Rev. Roxann Spicer-
    Theme: When we work together for Christ we will be blessed.
    John 17:6-19
    When we know Jesus, it is never just ourselves, it is Jesus and the Holy Spirit working through us. We can know it is “never just me”, life is always bigger than ourselves when we are serving Christ.
    Acts 2:42-47
    The early church was blessed with signs and wonders and their numbers greatly increased, the church grew exponentially. This was all because they were of one heart, one mind and they were in unity. God blesses our work and efforts when we are working in unity together for him, never for our own glory. It is never about us getting what we want. The christian life is all about obedience and full submission to Christ. We make life complicated ourselves, because are in the world and we use the world’s way of thinking. Living God’s way is never complicated. What is good for the kingdom will always be good for us. We will always be blessed when we put Christ first and give him the honor and glory, never ourselves.

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