"And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life" (Gen 3:17).
Here we see how God in His mercy doesn't curse the man but the ground - so that he may not put his trust in this earth but in God, so that he may not set his affection on the ground or on the earth. God didn't send man to a place of torment either, but to a place of toil; not to the grave, but to the ground - to humble him.
In verse 21 we see the motherly nature of God again. Though man had fallen into sin and had started to rebel against God in his words and deeds, and was trying to hide from Him, God makes coats for him. It was not man who asked for clothes, but God who felt the need for it. So also, it is not we sinners who feel the need for salvation, but God Who felt it and hence came down from heaven to clothe us with salvation. God did not just give them the garments, but 'clothed them' like a mother would. The Almighty God Himself made the coats, and not any angel. What a great love God had for the fallen man! How much He pitied him and his miserable state!
Finally, again in mercy, the Lord sent man out of the garden - see verse 22 - so that he may not eat of the tree of life and live for ever in his fallen condition. God's knowledge of evil doesn't tempt Him to commit evil, as He is perfect in character. But man's knowledge of evil without character is dangerous. Therefore, if his life-span had not been curtailed, his wickedness would have been very great on the earth. Also, now that his life-span is curtailed, his sorrows and miseries brought by his own sin would have an end.
- TPM "Morning Manna"
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