A note from Christine and Lisa
Easter is so much more than a 24-hour period; it forms the metanarrative
for us as followers of Christ. So, in this study, we're not only preparing our
hearts for the resurrection, but we are also going to get a bigger picture of
the Easter people we are called to be.
What we have discovered is that as we focus on the promise and power
of Jesus' death and resurrection, we have the opportunity to draw closer to
Christ and remove every obstacle that gets in the way. Through what Jesus
did on the cross, we find new life in Christ. We discover purpose and see
opportunities to share this new life everywhere we go, with everyone, in
every way.
As we embark on this Easter journey, may you find yourself awakening to
Jesus anew—through the details of His life, the agony of His death, and
the overwhelming joy of His resurrection.
- Christine Caine & Lisa Harper
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