Hey, friends!
As we're learning about trust in this study, are you finding yourself looking around at your relationships and evaluating how you've been willing to trust? I have! Like Lysa, I need to be actively aware of what's going on around me! What's come to mind is that the friendships that are infused with peace are the ones where I feel most capable to trust in.
"Oftentimes, when we ignore red flags, we run a greater risk of hard outcomes." ~ Lysa
Peace is incredibly precious, isn't it? When we don't have peace in a relationship it immediately indicates there are red flags that might be being ignored. When our insides are all mess up within a relationship, we need to stop and pay attention to what is going on.
What do you do with concerning behaviors? Is your tendency to stuff down your concerns and hope they go away? (They likely won't) Or do you stop and ask the Holy Spirit to help you be aware of looming trouble or conflict?
Lysa shares with us this week about mindset.
"Mindset reveals what someone values the most." ~ Lysa
Being aware of your own as well as someone else's mindset is not for the purposes of criticizing or being divisive. Quite the opposite. It's much more diagnostic in nature. We're looking under the hood of the relationship to see what's out of alignment and can either be fixed or not fixed.
What do you want out of your difficult relationships? Do you want to work with that person to line up your values and desires mutually? Or do you want to keep moving forward without communication knowing your trust in that person might be broken again… and again…? Those are the automatic questions we have to consider when we think about whether or not to approach someone when we feel distrustful.
Because what we want is peace, that sweet, lovely peace in our relationships, right?
Just like Lysa explained about her marriage with Chaz when she comes to him with triggers and worries, we can tell when someone is responding to us with love, concern, respect, care, carefulness, and kindness… and when they don't. That's so important!
Her comment that Chaz brings peace, not chaos, into the interactions he has with others. Wow. That's a beautiful goal for us all.
"Trust and peace truly do go hand-in-hand." ~ Lysa
I can testify to that! How about you?
For me, it's peace that I crave in my friendships, in my family, and in relationships with others. Peace born from deep, proven trustworthiness. Is that true for you, too?
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. And, be thankful. — Colossians 3:15 NIV
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