Welcome to the OBS
Hi friend,
Thank you for joining me to do this study about trust. I understand that you're bringing the most fragile pieces of your heart to these pages, and I want you to know . . . I am too. But I also want you to know this is a safe place to ask questions, process your skepticisms, and let the tears flow.
As I've walked through some deep relational heartbreaks over the last few years, I've come to the realization that none of us get to live this life unmarked by hurt. So none of us get to live this life without trust issues.
Maybe that makes you feel comforted. Maybe that makes you feel unnerved. This will be a tension to manage, not a problem to solve. As humans, we are made for connection. But connection always comes with risk. And having the right tools to better navigate this is what so many of us have been missing in order to move forward.
That's why I wrote my book I Want to Trust You, but I Don't and this accompanying Bible study.
I understand the cycle of having your trust broken, then struggling to trust again, and how that can taint the way you see every other relationship in your life. But there is hope. God has shown me how important it is to use scriptural truths, self-reflection, honest assessments of relationships, and has given me a fresh look at why He is completely trustworthy. Throughout our time together, I'll share what I've learned through thousands of hours of studying the Bible and gaining wisdom from trusted friends and experts.
The good news is there are solid principles in Scripture that can help you navigate relationships with other people, God, and even yourself. And it is absolutely possible to attach your trust to a secure place that will never waver.
I know this journey may feel scary, vulnerable, or even impossible at times. But I will be with you for every part of these six sessions so we can step into our next season whole, healed, and ready to try trusting again.
Oh friend . . . we may never fully understand the twists and turns of life on this side of eternity. But I am so grateful that when everything else feels uncertain, the goodness and trustworthiness of God is something we can count on.
Now, let's go learn a thing or two about trust . . . together.
- Lysa
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