Be Thankful for People This devotional was written by Robin Dugall I thank my God every time I remember you.
—Philippians 1:3 Thanksgiving Day is here again, and across our country, pastors are preaching sermons pointing out the need for Christ-followers to be thankful people. As a pastor, I've made impassioned pleas for Christ-followers to rise above our culture…to resist the temptation for the holiday season to be simply another opportunity for us to be self-focused and self-indulgent. Thanksgiving isn't just about eating to the brink of explosion; shopping to the brink of bankruptcy; watching television to the brink of insanity. I've tried to make the point that Thanksgiving for a person who loves God can be so much more. Even so, I discovered in my own life that despite what I've preached, I have missed a crucial element in the process of being a thankful follower of Jesus in my own life. I found that over the years I have been mostly thankful for the THINGS in my life; for food, finances, the house I have lived in, the clothes I have worn, and so on. While there's nothing wrong with being thankful for these things, I have missed the boat on giving thanks for the biggest blessings of God in my life…PEOPLE. |
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