"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23 Sitting in my living room, I often drift off into my own thoughts. I wonder what other people are doing today and how much more they are living life to the fullest. Due to depression and fear, I often self-isolate myself. Self-isolation has caused me to miss out on a lot of life. I chose to stay in the safety of my home rather than face the outside world. While many people think this is being cautious, it actually becomes controlling. Fear can control us to the point that we are immobile. I never thought I would come to a place such as this, yet here I am. Maybe you also find yourself in a similar place. Fear has kept you from truly living for far too long. This, in turn, leads us to fear we are going to miss out on life. In truth, this is something that has often made me feel deep regret. Am I doing everything I should be doing? Am I truly making the most of every opportunity? What will I think about my life at the very end? Unfortunately, I don't think I have a positive answer to any of these questions. Even if we think we have some areas under control in our lives, we might be missing out on the most important things. Something that has become a goal of mine is to truly start enjoying the little moments in life. Rather than always thinking others have it better than me, I'm starting to recognize all the blessings God has given me. Maybe I don't have a prestigious home, a well-paying job, or a tight-knit circle of friends, but I do have God. When I'm at my breaking point, I remember Him and He helps me find myself again. |
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