Trading Online for In-Person Relationships By Laura Bailey Bible Reading "The LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.' " - Genesis 2:18 NIV I recently listened to a talk by Sherry Turkle called Connected, But Alone, which made me think: Why do we hide behind our phones, texting instead of calling? Why do we meet people at Starbucks or Panera Bread instead of inviting them to our house? Why do we freely share opinions through our Facebook statuses but can barely manage a face-to-face conversation for more than five minutes? We are more connected than ever, but study after study shows that we are the loneliest generation. Why is this? People lack meaningful relationships, which they desperately need. People need a personal relationship with God for ultimate wholeness, but humans also need relationships, real connections, with other human beings. |
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