PLUS Christian Leaders Weigh In on Trump's 'God Bless the USA' Bibles and What Did Jesus Do During His 'Lost Years'?
| What Did Jesus Do During His 'Lost Years'? | | Where was Jesus between the ages of 13 and 30? | | | | | | | | |
Family Challenge Don't wait! Commit to the Family Time Challenge and spending at least one hour with your family without interruptions.
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| | Nehemiah 13:4-22 | Now before this, Eli'ashib the priest, who was appointed over the chambers of the house of our God, and who was connected with Tobi'ah, prepared for Tobi'ah a large chamber where they had previously put...
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| 5 Areas of Your Life Satan Wants to Enter | | Don't let Satan win. | | | | | | | | |
| 10 Proverbs Worth Reading Everyday | | The Bible book of Proverbs is full of practical wisdom to inspire and encourage godly living. Here are ten selections worth committing to memory and meditating on daily. | | | | | | | | |
| Christian Leaders Weigh In on Trump's 'God Bless the USA' Bibles | | Former President Donald Trump recently raised eyebrows after announcing he was selling special edition "God Bless the USA" Bibles. The holy books, themed after country music artist Lee Greenwood's... | | | | | | | | |
| TODAY'S Christian Quote | | "As they went out, they came upon a man of Cyre'ne, Simon by name; this man they compelled to carry his cross. And when they came to a place called Gol'gotha (which means the place of a skull), they offered him wine to drink, mingled with gall; but when he tasted it, he would not drink it. And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots; then they sat down and kept watch over him there. And over his head they put the charge against him, which read, "This is Jesus the King of the Jews." Then two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left. And those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads and saying, "You who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." So also the chief priests, with the scribes and elders, mocked him, saying, "He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him; for he said, 'I am the Son of God.'" And the robbers who were crucified with him also reviled him in the same way." | - Matthew 27:32-44 | | |
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