Former Vice President Mike Pence Warns That American Marriage is in "free fall" | Light the World Giving Machines Are Back For the 2023 Giving Season | 5 Things God Wants You to Really Focus on This Christmas | The Spiritual Meaning of Double Rainbows | 6 Tips to Get on the Same Financial Page as Your Spouse | 10 Ways To Learn From Mistakes | How Did Moses Write Deuteronomy if it Records His Death? | Who Was the First Person Jesus Revealed His True Identity To?
| | | Revelation 13:11-18 | | Then I saw another beast which rose out of the earth; it had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and... | | | | The woman at the well's testimony convinced an entire town to believe. | | | | | Are your eyes really fixed on God this season? | | | | Does this weather phenomenon have a deeper meaning? | | | | Did Moses have someone finish the job for him? | | | | | |
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