The God Who Shows, Teaches and Guides Me By: Tiffany Thibault Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.- Psalm 25:4-5 When the hospital laid my newborn daughter in my arms, my heart overflowed with such awe. In the days that followed I watched in amazement as she began to interact more with her environment. The next few months brought an incredible amount of changes in her. Soon she could lift her head, turn over, sit up, hold her bottle, and feed herself finger food. All of these changes were innate within her. Then the day came when I had to actually teach her how to do things, such as how to hold a fork, button a shirt, tie her shoes, or ride a bike. These things were not easy for her to learn, but they were an important part of her gaining independence and confidence. I needed to use a patient tone, and gentle hands to help guide her through the process. All these situations required repetition, and practice on a daily basis until she could do it completely on her own. When my daughter needed to learn to put her shoes on correctly, I would show her while I tied my shoes, explaining each thing that I was doing. Then I would guide her hands to tie her shoes, while using my words to talk her through each step that we were doing. My showing and teaching her this skill will be something that she will never forget. It is something that she can now do from memory. |
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