A Prayer to Remember His Faithfulness and Our Value By Ashley Moore "So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." - Matthew 10:31 NLT "I am specifically praying that you would remember when God has been faithful to you," she said. My friend's words of encouragement to my husband and me during a financial hardship prompted me to go down memory lane on the way home from our small group gathering. We recalled every time God had met a specific need of ours or answered a prayer in a way we couldn't have orchestrated. By the time we were home, we had lost count of how many instances we had been on the receiving end of His divine provision. While our situation had not subsided, something in my heart had shifted. Instead of dwelling on what we needed, but did not have, I became fixated on the faithfulness of God. I wonder, in what ways have you experienced God's provision? Have you ever received a timely note of encouragement at just the right moment? Perhaps you had a surprise expense that was covered by an anonymous donor. Or maybe you didn't know where your next meal would come from when someone showed up at your door with a well-timed casserole. We all have experienced these perfectly timed miracles that remind us of God's presence and care. But when we're in the middle of a fiery trial it can be hard to recall God's faithfulness. More often it's easier to worry over the unknown. |
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