Rushing Aid to Turkey Following Massive Quakes
Dear Friend,
As I write this, Samaritan's Purse is preparing to airlift a 52-bed Emergency Field Hospital to Turkey near the epicenter of two devastating earthquakes that struck in the pre-dawn hours of Feb. 6. Thousands were killed and tens of thousands are injured in Turkey and Syria, as homes and other buildings were toppled across the region. Many of those affected were already displaced by the civil war in Syria. Freezing temperatures are hampering rescue efforts. Emergency relief supplies, including tarps, blankets, and solar lights, are also being readied to send.
Help Earthquake VictimsWe have staff on the ground now, with dozens more joining them in the coming days. We also are working alongside local church partners to bring physical relief and share the love of Christ with those who are hurting.
Please pray for those who have lost loved ones and for those who are suffering. Pray also for our teams as they serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan's Purse
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