• We need to fight evil with good
  • I need your help today on two fronts. First, please take a few minutes to pray for the people of Ukraine. There's power in prayer!
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    Dear Beliefnet Reader,

    I need your help today on two fronts. First, please take a few minutes to pray for the people of Ukraine. There's power in prayer!

    Second, we need to fight evil with good. Together, we can change lives in that war-torn country for eternity. Click here to help.

    You can be part of a "God thing" in Ukraine, right now. RUN Ministries started our relief work with just a few vans and a handful of volunteers. Fast-forward nearly four weeks, and we now have a network of emergency vehicles. They include vans, buses, and even trains!

    Our teams are rescuing orphans, families, and the elderly. RUN is partnering with organizations delivering 20 tons of food, handing out more than 250,000 Bibles, and organizing multiple warehouses — all operating thanks to hundreds of volunteers in Ukraine. Click here to help.

    The greatest challenges we face are ensuring the survival of those fleeing the violence and keeping our teams out of harm's way. We recently secured flak jackets and helmets to help protect our volunteers.

    Thank you, in advance, for your support and compassion on behalf of hurting people in Ukraine. Your prayers, love, and generosity can bless thousands who have lost everything. Click here to help men, women, and children in harm's way.

    Thank you for standing with RUN Ministries on behalf of the Ukrainian people.

    Until all have heard,

    Eric Watt
    President, RUN Ministries

    P.S. The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine doesn't look like it will end anytime soon. That means we must keep working to help those in harm's way. As a Beliefnet sponsor, this could be the final message you receive from us. So please, click here to support our lifesaving efforts to deliver emergency food and water to families in desperate need.

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    A USA-registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible organization, Reaching Unreached Nations was founded in 1990 by Eric Watt. An interdenominational mission, RUN subscribes to the Lausanne Covenant and cooperates with Christians around the world to help fulfill the Great Commission. Copyright 2022 RUN Ministries.
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    RUN Ministries | PO Box 6543, Virginia Beach, VA 23456

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