5 Ways To Navigate Your Purpose With Prayer | 6 Dangers of Lazy Minded Christianity | 4 Ways to Know God Better
| 5 Ways To Navigate Your Purpose With Prayer | | God has a powerful plan for your life! No matter what your life looks like today, you can navigate your purpose prayerfully. | | | | | | | | |
| 6 Dangers of Lazy Minded Christianity | | Let us be careful not to become lazy minded Christians and stay away from these six dangers. | | | | | | | | |
| The Genesis Story: Reading Biblical Narratives | | Deepen your understanding of the meaning and beauty of the first book of the Bible. | From Hillsdale College | | | | | | | | |
| 4 Ways to Know God Better | | How do we humbly ask God to be great in us? It begins with knowing that God matters more than anything else. | | | | | | | | |
| | Prayer to Start the Workday | Almighty God, we bless and praise Thee that we have wakened to the light of another earthly day; and now we will think of what a day should be. Our days are Thine, let them be spent for Thee. Our days are few, let them be spent with care. We pray Thee to shine on this day—the day which we may call our own. Lord, we go to our daily work; help us to take pleasure therein. Show us clearly what our duty is; help us to be faithful in doing it. Let all we do be well done, fit for Thine eye to see. Give us strength to do, patience to bear; let our courage never fail. When we cannot love our work, let us think of it as Thy task; and by our true love to Thee, make unlovely things shine in the light of Thy great love. Amen. | | | | | |
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