Please sir, post for me. I know I was wrong but right now peoples I need advice not criticism. I dated a man who had problems with his wife and the verge of quitting, don't know what pushed me but I felt I fate made me meet him for a purpose, I told him divorce wasn't possibly the best option and helped him handle disputes fairly. To cut the long story short, he's home his okay, neither of them wants to leave any more and oh I forgot to add his wife found out I exist, came straight to me and said her husband has been cheating on her with different ladies and those times were hell but ever since she found out about me, that her marital life has taken a new twist and its all thanks to me. We exchanged numbers and became friends.
    After knowing they're ok, I wanted leaving them to themselves realizing that maybe my work with them was done, yes I loved tfather but he belongs to someone else. I realised I was pregnant and they both won't let me work away.
    So mum travelled, the wife invited me over to stay at their s, am with a seven month old baby girl and she treats her like hers, they have four kids. Now the problem is, am regretting not walking away with the pregnancy like I wanted to. I could not take care of the baby myself, I don't know my dad and I didn't want same for my child. I don't belong with them, I feel like am intruding, The man wants me for a second wife and his wife is OK with it, now being a second wife is not the problem, the problem is my conscience, Will I be selfish to marry another woman's husband and divide her home all in the name of giving my child the love of fatherhood? The man has sworn never to let another man raise his child, the wife also won't let me go with his child due to the recent news of stepfathers and fathers abusing their step daughters. We know a man won't love you or treat a second wife the way he treats his wife. Atleast I can tell the little time am being here. Advice me, am telling myself that this isn't about me anymore but my child. I've done a lot of things to make this man hate me even stealing from him which both he and the wife got to know to make him hate me and call him quits. Deep down, I know this man doesn't love me, maybe he did but not now, I feel he's with me because of our child, a man I know cannot love two women at a time but what I don't seem to understand is him still keeping me. Me and three of my siblings are from different fathers and I didn't want the same for my child. Advise me cause am loosing my mind. I can't think straight, should I place my child above my need for love, happiness and emotional security? Do you think being a second wife is the

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