• The Top 10 Richest Bloggers Earned Millions Last Year

  • For most of us, blogging is nothing more than just a fun, part-time activity, where we get to write about things we’re passionate about, but there are always exceptions, and successful bloggers usually end up earning pretty well. These bloggers stated their writing careers just like you and me, but with a bit of luck and brilliant content, they’ve managed to turn this part-time activity into a full time job.
    Sure, blogging might seem like an ideal job, but it requires a drastic change in lifestyle and a lot of dedication if you truly want to be successful. And in case you’re wondering how much top bloggers earn, we’ve gathered a list with the 10 richest bloggers in the world, that will surely make your eyeballs pop out.
    You’ve probably heard of most of these bloggers already but I’m sure you didn’t know they earn hundreds of thousands per month, plus worldwide fame, which is priceless for me. The earnings are per month, so every blogger in this list is getting more than a million per year.
    Contents [ hide]
    10. Matt Marshall – Venture Beat
    9. Jake Dobkin – Gothamist
    8. Gina Trapani – Lifehacker
    7. Collis Ta’eed – TutsPlus
    6. Timothy Sykes
    5. Vitaly Friedman – Smashing Magazine
    4. Mario Lavandeira – Perez Hilton
    3. Pete Cashmore – Mashable
    2. Michael Arrington – Techcrunch
    1. Arianna Huffington – The Huffington Post
    10. Matt Marshall – Venture Beat
    Matt Marshall started his blogging career in 2006 launching an informative blog called Venture Beat where he was covering the latest news about world-wide technology and also money, finance and investment ideas. This informative blog offered a ton of valuable information to its readers, including information for start ups or different techniques on how to earn money from investments. That’s why Venture Beat became so popular, Matt Marshall earning $100,000 per month from this blog right now.
    9. Jake Dobkin – Gothamist
    It is pretty amazing that one of the most popular blogs in the world is one that covered the news of one city. But the Big Apple is no regular city and when Gothamist started to cover its city life in detail, with information about food, events and art, it became pretty popular. Then Gothamist went global, expanding its reach to 13 cities around the world, from Toronto to Shanghai and from Los Angels to London, just to name a few. Jake Dobkin, the mastermind behind Gothamist now earns $110,000 a month from his online project.
    8. Gina Trapani – Lifehacker
    The name Lifehacker might be a little confusing at first, but the theme of this renowned blog is to find “life hacks”, namely small shortcuts or ways of improving our productivity everyday. Aside from helping you improve your life, the site also presents various gadgets and software that would help you get better. And life’s a lot easier for Gina Trapani right now, the CEO and founder of this amazing blog, who earns $110,000 per month from Lifehacker.
    7. Collis Ta’eed – TutsPlus
    With tutorials, lectures and other alternative teaching methods, TutsPlus informs readers about a lot of software applications and designing tools, helping them master almost any application. Not only that, but members of the site can even make money by writing their own tutorials, which makes TutsPlus a lot different than other renowned blogs. Collis Ta’eed, the founder of this informative site, even contributes to other famous blogs, but he’s getting from TutsPlus alone around $120,000 per month.
    6. Timothy Sykes
    Timothy Sykes became a self-made millionaire trading penny stocks when he was just 21 and then he continued with a hedge fund that didn’t go as planned but got him invited to the Wall Street Warriors documentary. He had $12,415 left and wanted to repeat the process of making his fortune from there, this time covering it with over 8,000 posts, getting to an account of $4,280,000.  Sykes is incredibly smart when it comes to stocks and if someone wanted to make lots of money his blog was a must read, featuring articles about investment, finance and stocks, of course. From his blog alone he earns around $150,000 every month.
    5. Vitaly Friedman –
    Smashing Magazine
    SmashingMagazine is the world’s most popular blog for website designers and developers, featuring the newest, latest tips, high quality tutorials and amazing guides and resources that could turn you into a website designer pretty fast. Vitaly Friedman is the founder of this incredibly useful site which brings him around $190,000 every month, from advertising banners alone.
    4. Mario Lavandeira – Perez Hilton
    Ever since he launched his blog back in 2005, Mario Lavandeira or Perez Hilton, become a powerhouse blogger over night. This isn’t a typical blog either, revealing all the details of celebrities’ private lives, no matter how private they are. With celebrity news, scandals and the like, Perez Hilton became extremely famous all over the planet, visited by a lot of people who want to find out hidden stuff about their favorite stars. Mario Lavandeira earns $450,000 every month from Perez Hilton.
    3. Pete Cashmore –
    The largest award winning independent site in the world, Mashable covers anything from social media, business and technology, to entertainment and lifestyle. Pete Cashmore, the blog’s founder and CEO, started this unique project in his bedroom in Scotland when he was just 19 years old and years later he became a millionaire thanks to it. He’s also the youngest to become a millionaire from blogging alone. Mashable brings Pete $600,000 each month right now.
    2. Michael Arrington –
    TechCrunch is strictly oriented on the tech industry and strived to become the best in its field, covering science news, startup company profiles, new gadgets and all the rest of the tech world to make sure you are well informed. Michael Arrington wanted to create a one stop destination for tech news, and he struck gold with TechCrunch. Arrington was even named “the prophet of Silicon Valley” for his blog and through his work here he became the most influential person in the tech field. TechCrunch nets him around $800,000 each month.
    1. Arianna Huffington – The Huffington Post
    Yes, you might say that The Huffington Post is a lot more than a blog right now, but it became a go-to reputable news source, and also one of the most popular sites in the world in just a couple of years. Founded by Arianna Huffington back in 2005, the blog has a monthly income of $2.3 million now, almost three times as much as TechCrunch. That’s why Arianna Huffington is the world’s richest blogger right now.

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