People who own businesses sometimes forget that the Lord has His hand in every aspect of our lives, including in our business. Asking for His guidance, His will, and His hand on your finances in your business every single day, is a sure recipe for success.
The Lord's Work is Serious Business
The Lord's work is serious business and should be a part of everything we do which not only includes how we interact with our family, friends, and other's but should include our work and businesses as well. Whether you are a business owner, thinking about starting a business, or are working for a company, the Lord should come first. Every place you go and everything you do should involve Him and give you an opportunity to testify on His behalf even in business, on your website, on your social media pages, as well as, in your every day life.
Loving the Lord and being obedient affects:
The way we act
The way we talk
The way we think
The way we feel
The way we see
The way we interact with family
The way we interact with friends
The way we play
The way we work
Until every aspect of your life is immersed in His love, His thoughts, His desires, and His will. You may study the word of God, You love Jesus Christ but if you do not put it to use in your daily lives-it is worthless.
We believe that it is important for the Christian community to unite and lift up our brother's and sister's in Christ which includes their Christian businesses.
As Christians, we should help one another and that means teaching other's the word of God, getting unsaved people-saved, supporting Christian projects, promoting Christian based businesses, and doing business with other Christians. Why should the unbeliever's get our business? There are many struggling Christian business owner's offering their services but do not have the marketing expertise to sell their products and services and get brand name recognition.
It is time for Christian businesses to identify themselves to other believer's. LTLF owns 10 websites and is capable of getting the word out about your business.
Christian Businesses is offering a free listing to promote Christian owned businesses for a limited time.
Become a Member of Christian Businesses today.
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Memory Verse
And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. Isa. 58:11
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