• Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Review Best Home Freeze Dryers
  • Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Review
    Best Home Freeze Dryers
    Harvest Right Freeze Dryer Review – Best Home Freeze Dryer?
    This review covers the ‘nitty gritty details’ about my personal experience with my Harvest Right Freeze Dryer – or the H.R.F.D for the sake of brevity in the remainder of this extensive review.
    I’ve owned the H.R.F.D for roughly 15 or so months at the time of this review.
    My initial impressions when I first received my unit 12 days after placing my order by phone was how easy it was to put together and assemble in under an 45 minutes.
    I imagined a complex assembly given what it does but, in reality, it took one guy (the delivery driver) to unload and maneuver it in my kitchen and one guy (me) to unpack and get it working soon after taking off. No helping hands necessary.
    Being a home garage grease monkey a small part of me secretly wanted something to put together and was fairly disappointed — in a good way I may add – at how little there was for me to do. Goes to show how user-friendly this unit is the moment it lands on your doorstep.
    Unbox, screw in a hose or two, and turn it on.
    When turned on it sounds like the equivalent of a small washer or dryer. The machine itself runs quiet; it’s the pump the produces the most noise. You could reasonably have a conversation over it. I’ve placed my unit in my kitchen where it’s furthest away from my bedroom. The kids are moved out (whew!) so the only one who has to deal with it is me. If I don’t like it I can always shut it off while sleeping or away from home. But it’s rarely an issue even when I am relaxing at home.
    Another thing I noticed that unlike a dehydrator where you can ‘throw food in it and go’, a freeze dryer requires a bit more finesse to turn out a solid end product. No worries. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out and I do mechanical work on classics for a hobby. The small extra effort produces a better product dehydration simply doesn’t or can’t provide.
    To date I’ve never had a failure freeze drying food except for the few boneheaded mistakes I made that is of no fault of the freeze dryer. The thing is built to last like an army tank. After a few cycles you get the swing of things than it’s smooth sailing from there on.
    In this review I cover what you get with your H.R.F.D purchase, how it works, pros and cons, costs, and tips and tricks to help you make in informed buying decision.
    Again, I speak solely based on MY experiences alone. I can’t speak for other buyers nor do I pretend to.
    However, having spoken to several other owners it’s safe to assume the majority of us share a kindred spirit for the magic of this powerful unit. It has its quirks and a small learning curve to overcome initially, but it quickly grows on you soon becoming a cherished part of your family when your adult children begin DEMANDING your freeze dried ice cream be served on every visit as if the ice cream truck came strolling around town.
    I think I’m going to start charging them for every batch I make!

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