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    Cain's father?
    Date: 7/16/20
    Name: Rick Davis
    Country: USA
    Email: davisrick823@yahoo.com
    Who do you think Cains father is? Make up your own
    mind after studying the following verses in a KJV
    Genesis 3:15 [God is telling us, Satan had seed
    [offspring]; also, research what the fallen angels
    were doing later in Genesis chapter 6, the reason
    for Noah's flood.];
    Matthew 13:18-23, 13:37-42 [Jesus speaking in both
    sets of verses; do you believe Him?];
    hew.htm [second witness]
    John 8:38, 41-44; [do you believe Jesus?]
    [This is so important; notice how the word father
    is spelled in each verse: see another example in
    the Bible where a lower case f and upper case f
    are used, which is in Matthew 23:9. The different
    cases are used to bring your attention to who is
    being talked about.]
    {Father upper case F = God, Matthew 23:9}
    {father lower case f = earthly father [parent],
    Matthew 23:9. This is not saying your earthly
    father is of Satan.}
    {Father with upper case F = God, John 8:42}
    {father with lower case f = Satan, John 8:44, they
    are the offspring of Satan};
    1 John 3:10, 12; [The wicked one is his father?
    Why did Cain slay Abel]? Read for yourself!
    Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. Why would Jesus want you
    to know who the ones claiming to be Jews are, but
    lie? See John 8:44; You'll have to dig a little
    deeper to see more clearly the connection between
    Cain, Satan, and the Jews who lie [kenites].
    Genesis 3:16; Sorrow = Her progeny would grow up
    to be enemies, even do murder [Cain]. Cain and
    Abel come of age together, documented by them
    reaching the age to sacrifice at the same time.
    Cains sacrifice was not fit, Abel's was. Cain then
    murdered Abel, Genesis 4:8. Genesis 3:15 lets us
    know that a seed war is raging; between the good
    seed and the bad seed. Check out the word seed in
    this verse in a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance;
    it means progeny.
    She again bare his brother Abel:
    Genesis 4:2; Research the word again as used in
    this verse, using a Strong's Concordance. It means
    continued. Hebrew word 3254. If you continue in
    labor after giving birth to one child, it means
    you are going to give birth to at least one more
    child. The word children is plural, meaning more
    than one.
    First liar [Cain]. From whom did he learn to lie?
    Who is the father of lying?
    Genesis 4:9; John 8:44;
    Why is Cain not in Christ's or Adam's genealogy?
    Adam is in Christ's genealogy. Hmm??? Do you
    believe God made a mistake? Believe what ever you
    want to. Luke 3 (Christ's lineage) Genesis 4
    (Cain's lineage) Genesis 5 (Adam's lineage); First
    one in Adams genealogy is Seth. The genealogies of
    Christ and Adam are two witnesses for John 8:44
    and other verses.
    Please e-mail me with your explanations of who
    Cain's father is, based on applicable verses, of
    course. Please use the [KJV] bible only. This
    might be a really informative Bible study. Print
    it out and use it as a guide in your studies of
    the KJV Bible. Study daily anyway, you'll be truly
    amazed at what you can learn. Thank you.
    Bible study sites and one TV channel:
    Dish Network channel 256 = Shepherds Chapel (Live
    streaming free on You-Tube and Roku also), highly
    recommended). Try the videos of Mr. Ravi Zacharias
    and Mr. John Lennox on You-Tube also.
    [This article gives us tips on how to and how not
    to study the Bible]
    http://www.theseason.org/home.htm [all of the old
    and new testament with study notes]
    http://www.goodnewsministry.com/books.html (Bible
    study with explanation notes)
    ml [Plan of God, a little lengthy, but very
    Date: 7/2/20
    Name: Harold Moore
    Country: USA
    Email: hm0001945@gmail.com
    Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace
    on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
    Luke 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be five
    in one house divided, three against two, and two
    against three.
    John 7:43 So there was a division among the people
    because of him. (A second witness. Who were they
    divided about? Jesus Himself; nothing has changed
    even until today).
    Think about all the divisions you see no matter
    where you look today. Some examples follow:
    Believers in God/those who deny God exists,
    Creationism/Evolution; religious affiliation;
    political affiliation (pro Trump/anti Trump);
    sexual orientation; financial status; skin
    color/race; abortion; etc. It certainly appears to
    me that the lines have been drawn everywhere you
    look. This list is not all inclusive; I'm sure
    many more obvious divides exist and could be
    mentioned here.
    Was Jesus speaking of division among believers in
    one family or in society in general in the above 3
    verses? In any case, division is apparent in this
    day and age to me. See the next 3 verses for some
    Romans 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark
    them which cause divisions and offences contrary
    to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid
    Romans 16:18 For they that are such serve not our
    Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by
    good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of
    the simple.
    1 Corinthians 1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by
    the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all
    speak the same thing, and that there be no
    divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly
    joined together in the same mind and in the same
    Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and
    good evil; that put darkness for light, and light
    for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet
    for bitter!
    Again, does the above verse describe what we see
    today? It sure seems to fit in most situations in
    my opinion. A lot of people are definitely
    confused about what is right and what is wrong and
    who has the authority to decide what is right and
    what is wrong. If that decision is left up to each
    individual (subjective moral reasoning) we end up
    with all of the problems that cause so much
    division in the first place; Believer/unbeliever;
    Creationism/Evolution; religious affiliation;
    conservative/liberal; pro life/pro choice; pro
    homosexual/anti homosexual; rich/poor; skin
    color/race; it goes on and on). Myself and many
    others know that God should be the one who decides
    right from wrong. If more did that, would mankind
    be better off? Of course they would.
    Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and
    powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword,
    piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and
    spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a
    discerner of the thoughts and intents of the
    Final thoughts: It is the truth of the word that
    divides. Yes, Christ (the living word) brings
    division, but that division is between good and
    evil. Which side will you be on? "We need to get
    back to the truth in the word, and under God which
    this country was founded upon." Follow the truth,
    expect division, and keep your eyes on the
    Heavenly Father; then you will receive all the
    Study your Bibles completely; seek Him and His
    truths in the word. By doing that you will learn
    which side of the division God wants you on.
    Date: 6/19/20
    Name: Harvey Vititoe
    Country: USA
    Email: harvey_32@gmx.com
    Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and [hate] not
    his father, and mother, and wife, and children,
    and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life
    also, he cannot be my disciple. (Jesus is speaking
    in this verse. Do you honestly believe Jesus tells
    us to hate our parents? Also, see Matthew 10:37).
    I understand that many believe there are numerous
    contradictions in the Bible. There are numerous
    books and websites dedicated to listing those
    perceived contradictions; thus promoting distrust
    and unbelief based on those perceived
    contradictions. The above verses are just one
    example of many where some would think an obvious
    contradiction in God's word occurs. They don't go
    any further and conclude that the Bible is full of
    contradiction. Where are the perceived
    contradictions? In our heads. It is due to some
    obvious mistranslations, not studying further, and
    lack of understanding. [See Matthew 13:11; Mark
    4:12; Luke 8:10; Clearly, not all are given
    understanding. I wonder why]?
    Most only cherry pick a verse here and there, they
    never get a complete picture or learn of the
    mistranslations; biblical illiteracy and lack of
    confidence in the Bible are thus rampant. I wonder
    who promotes these ideas? You get one guess. Study
    of the Bible is encouraged; study it patiently and
    diligently. In other words, use the study tools
    that will help you to better understand the Bible;
    such as the following: Strong's Exhaustive
    Concordance, Smith's Bible dictionary, and a
    Green's interlinear Bible, to name a few.
    Let's get back to the word [hate]. Is there an
    obvious contradiction here or not? Or, could the
    word [hate] be a mistranslation from the original
    language word in the Greek manuscripts? The word
    [hate], properly translated here, actually means
    to [love less]. We are to love our earthly family
    a little less than our heavenly Father, that's all
    [see Matthew 10:37 again]. Once you learn the real
    meaning, there is no contradiction here. Check it
    out for yourself in a Strong’s Exhaustive
    Concordance, don't trust me. What is a
    concordance, you say? I recommend doing this each
    time you think there is a contradiction in God's
    word. See definition of concordance next:
    Concordance: a noun meaning, agreement; concord;
    harmony: an alphabetical index of the principal
    words of a book, as of the Bible, with a reference
    to the passage in which each occurs. (a bible
    dictionary, basically).
    The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, [highly
    recommended], is a very useful tool for studying
    the scriptures. It takes every single word of the
    King James Version Bible and lists where each word
    can be found in the scriptures, plus, it gives a
    correct definition in English of the original
    language word (Hebrew or Greek). It is useful for
    locating scripture verses that you know the words
    to, but don't know the book, chapter and verse.
    Try the online concordance at the website below:
    Continue to study the whole Bible with the tools
    available today. Also, see Psalm 119:160 and John
    Please reply.
    Evil hates light!
    Date: 6/18/20
    Name: Carol Winston
    Country: USA
    Email: winston_carol@aol.com
    John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the
    light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds
    should be reproved.
    [Light symbolizes God and His truth; darkness
    equals the opposite, everything that is anti-God:
    the wicked, evil, liars and lying, deceit, etc.
    All who do evil hate the truth, they fear their
    sins will be exposed; they fear accountability,
    they are ashamed. See Ephesians 5:12-13.
    Hopefully, some can even be brought to repentance
    when their sin is exposed].
    REPROVED: Blamed; reprehended; convinced of a
    fault. By conviction to bring to the light, to
    Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God shall bring every work
    into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it
    be good, or whether it be evil.
    2 Peter 3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall
    come in the last days scoffers, walking after
    their own lusts,
    [You encounter many scoffers today: unbelievers,
    those who ridicule believers, those who try to
    deceive believers, etc. All you have to do is let
    it be known you are a believer. Those who hate the
    light (truth) will scoff at you].
    We are all accountable for every work and every
    secret thing, good (rewarded) or bad (penalized).
    No one can hide and escape from God's judgment, no
    one. Many are afraid and don't want to be
    accountable to Him, thus they deny Him. They know
    what they have done in the past and they know God
    knows also. But, that is the beauty of true
    Christianity, whomsoever means anyone can come to
    their senses, submit and be forgiven. Wow! What a
    concept. See these verses also: Proverbs 2:13-14;
    Isaiah 50:10; Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 4:6 and
    6:14; Ephesians 5:8 and 11, 6:12; Colossians 1:13.
    Keep studying or start today!

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