• About this list of the 100 Top Christian Blogs 2020
  • From www.redeeminggod.com
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    About this list of the 100 Top Christian Blogs
    To make this list of top Christian blogs, I gathered and inspected about 500 Christian blogs and ranked them using a variety of factors. Some of the blogs I inspected are listed below the list of the 100 Top Christians blogs.
    I will update this list occasionally, so if you want your blog to be considered for future ranking, and your blog is not listed below the list of 100 Top Christian blogs, please include a link to your blog in the comment section. Thanks!
    Oh, and do I need to say it?
    I guess so… sigh…
    Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse all the views or perspectives of the bloggers on this list. The list contains many Christian bloggers who write from theological perspectives with which I have some disagreement.
    Like who? (Let’s see who I can offend…) Calvinists, Charismatics, Conservative Baptists, and Catholics, just to name a few. Remember, I, Jeremy Myers, am the ONLY correct blogger in the world. (I’m KIDDING!)
    Anyway, if someone is on the list of Top Christian blogs and you think they are a heretic, don’t burn me for it! Go be a troll on their site… (I’m kidding again!)
    How I Created the List of 100 Top Christian Blogs
    Below is an explanation of how I went about ranking these 100 Top Christian Blogs.
    First, I gathered the list of Christian blogs using these sites:
    Kent Shaffer’s Top Christian Blogs
    Jared Moore’s List of Christian Blogs
    Top Christian Blogs ranked by Twitter Followers
    Top Christian Blogs ranked by Facebook Likes
    NewsMax Top 75 Religious Blogs
    Second, I removed all “Community Blogs” which had multiple authors. This caused all blogs from Patheos, the Gospel Coalition, and other similar blogs to be dropped from the list. The reason I did this twofold. Many of these community blogs are not accurately ranked by Alexa and SimilarWeb, which are two of the ranking factors I used (see below). But more than this, I wanted this list to honor the individual blogger who started his or her blog from scratch, and has labored away at it for years, slowly building an audience and faithfully writing quality posts which get read and shared. Those huge mega community blogs often overshadow the quality writing and hard work of individual bloggers. So if a blogger was writing on a community blog, I kept them off my list.
    Finally, once I had my list of individual bloggers, I ranked them using a variety of factors. These factors include:
    Traffic Rank on Alexa
    Traffic Rank on
    Back link Count (shows people are linking to your content)
    Pages Indexed by Google (shows that the blogger is writing a lot)
    A variety of other traffic and social signals
    The ranking number in the list below is a compilation of these ranking signals. The lower the number, the better the blog ranks.
    How to get on this list of Top Christian Blogs
    If you are not on this list and you want to work toward getting on it, or if you are on it and want to know what you can do to rise in the ranks of these top Christian blogs, here are six recommendations:
    1. If you are are on a “free” blogging platform (like Blogger.com or WordPress.com), move over to a “self-hosted” site with Knownhost or
    Bluehost . It’s only a few dollars per month, and you will be set up for success. If you already have a blog, both companies can help you migrate.
    2. Once you have your blog set up properly, make sure it loads fast and looks good. If you don’t do this, people won’t read it. I recommend WP Rocket to help it load fast and StudioPress themes to make it look good.
    3. Write regular blog posts with great content. I recommend 1-3 blog posts per week, with at least 500 words each. Use the free Yoast SEO plugin to help you write your posts.
    4. Read and leave comments on popular blogs (like this one!). By reading blogs you learn how to write a blog, and commenting is a great way to gain readers for your own blog .
    5. Get a WordPress plugin like Social Network Auto Poster to help your posts get listed on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, and others.
    6. One of the primary keys to getting traffic is to get links to your blog from other blogs. One of the best ways to do this is to
    join the Synchroblog . You will get several backlinks each and every month that you participate.
    Here then, are the 100 Top Christian Blogs
    100 Top Christian Blogs
    RankScore Blog Title and Link
    Blogger Name
    1 217,403 Challies Tim Challies
    2 311,841 A Holy Experience
    Ann Voskamp
    3 312,177 Fr. Z’s Blog John Zuhlsdorf
    4 480,359 LifeChurch.tv : swerve
    Craig Groeschel
    5 483,757 Albert Mohlers Blog
    Albert Mohler
    6 543,006 Thom Rainer Thom Ranier
    7 555,477 Redeeming God Jeremy Myers
    8 569,004 Storyline Donald Miller
    9 639,219 Rachel Held Evans
    Rachel Held Evans
    10 708,606 Blog and Mablog
    Doug Wilson
    11 716,321 Alpha & Omega Ministries
    James White
    12 771,432 James MacDonald
    James MacDonald
    13 822,726 Insight Grahame Knox
    14 908,354 XXXChurch.com Craig Gross
    15 912,195 Mark Driscoll Mark Driscoll
    16 930,966 Jarrid Wilson Jarrid Wilson
    17 932,673 Ron Edmondson
    Ron Edmondson
    18 987,589 Moore to the Point
    Russell Moore
    19 1,009,976 Living Proof Beth Moore
    20 1,040,981 Biblical Studies Rob Bradshaw
    21 1,180,360 Red Letter Christians
    Tony Campolo & Shane Claiborne
    22 1,185,542 Jen Hatmaker Jen Hatmaker
    23 1,242,598 The Naked Bible
    Michael S. Heiser
    24 1,267,270 Beyond Evangelical Frank Viola
    25 1,323,223 ReKnew Greg Boyd
    26 1,344,629 Denny Burk Denny Burk
    27 1,465,513 Christianity Cove Mary-Kate
    28 1,494,946 Liturgy Bosco Peters
    29 1,508,259 Experimental Theology
    Richard Beck
    30 1,515,386 Head Heart Hand
    David Murray
    31 1,584,527 Frame & Poythress
    John Frame & Vern Poythress
    32 1,612,339 Reclaiming the Mission David Fitch
    33 1,658,756 Worship Matters
    Bob Kauflin
    34 1,660,143 Perry Noble Perry Noble
    35 1,672,051 Canon Fodder Michael J. Kruger
    36 1,707,579 The American Jesus Zack Hunt
    37 1,749,053 J.D. Greear J.D. Greear
    38 1,766,833 Andy Naselli Andy Naselli
    39 1,797,475 What’s Best Next
    Matt Perman
    40 1,862,063 Tony Morgan Live
    Tony Morgan
    41 1,891,059 Margaret Feinberg
    Margaret Feinberg
    42 1,963,329 Lifestream Wayne Jacobsen
    43 1,985,895 Zwinglius Redivivus Jim West
    44 2,035,457 Blogging Theologically
    Aaron Armstrong
    45 2,112,811 Sarah Bessey Sarah Bessey
    46 2,304,695 Faith and Theology Ben Myers
    47 2,309,572 Communicate Jesus
    Steve Kryger
    48 2,310,092 Reading Acts Phillip Long
    49 2,318,301 Growing Kids Ministry
    Lindsey Whitney
    50 2,407,916 Stuff Christians Like Jon Acuff
    51 2,541,554 The Very Worst Missionary
    Jamie Wright
    52 2,617,350 Borrowed Light Mike Leake
    53 2,755,792
    Courageous Christian Father
    Steve Patterson
    54 2,769,134 Larry Hurtado’s Blog
    Larry Hurtado
    55 2,808,869 Sayable Lore Ferguson
    56 2,864,393 DJ Chuang DJ Chuang
    57 2,873,396 Stuff Fundies Like Darrell
    58 2,937,119 Brian McLaren Brian McLaren
    59 3,023,294 Unsettled Christianity
    Joel L. Watts
    60 3,026,191 Matthew Paul Turner
    Matthew Paul Turner
    61 3,061,236 Skye Box Skye Jethani
    62 3,069,675 Living By Faith Blog
    Steve Fuller
    63 3,217,964 Everyday Theology
    Marc Cortez
    64 3,249,355 Sam Luce Sam Luce
    65 3,280,570 Counseling Solutions
    Rick Thomas
    66 3,326,531 Adam McLane Adam McLane
    67 3,327,471 Kingdom in the Midst
    Marty Duren
    68 3,345,392 DashHouse.com Darryl Dash
    69 3,402,962 Pastor Joe McKeever
    Joe McKeever
    70 3,455,879 Anita Mathias Anita Mathias
    71 3,472,536 Curious Christian Matt Stone
    72 3,485,259 For His Renown
    Jim Hamilton
    73 3,486,291 Church Leader Insights
    Nelson Searcy
    74 3,649,485 Nathan W. Bingham
    Nathan W. Bingham
    75 3,660,524 Cerulean Sanctum Dan Edelen
    76 3,710,383 Redeemed Reader
    J.B. Cheaney & Emily A. Whitten
    77 3,716,394 Thinking Out Loud
    Paul Wilkinson
    78 3,745,997 Hip and Thigh Fred Butler
    79 3,765,303 Claude Mariottini
    Claude Mariottini
    80 3,785,440 RJ Grune RJ Grunewald
    81 3,819,892 Religious Affections Scott Aniol
    82 3,918,927 Christian Apologetics
    Maryann Spikes
    83 3,974,189 John Shore John Shore
    84 4,015,635 Istoria Ministries Blog
    Wade and Rachelle Burleson
    85 4,087,774 NT Resources Rod Decker
    86 4,096,481 Daniel Darling Daniel Darling
    87 4,116,167 A Place For the God-Hungry Jim Martin
    88 4,117,044 Pomomusings
    Adam Walker Cleaveland
    89 4,134,643 RPM Ministries Blog
    Bob Kellemen
    90 4,150,303 Will Mancini Will Mancini
    91 4,160,043 Daniel Wallace Daniel Wallace
    92 4,234,680 Counseling One Another
    Paul Tautges
    93 4,285,168 Ragamuffin Soul
    Carlos Whittaker
    94 4,339,169 Joe Thorn Joe Thorn
    95 4,349,304 Chuck Warnock Chuck Warnock
    96 4,504,781 Eugene Cho Eugene Cho
    97 4,544,392 WithoutWax Pete Wilson
    98 4,554,264 Kathy Escobar Kathy Escobar
    99 4,620,367 Fundamentally Reformed Bob Hayton
    100 4,668,710 On the Box Ray Comfort
    Previous Lists of Top Christian Bloggers
    This is the second annual list of Top Christian Bloggers. Below is a link to the Previous list:
    Top Christian Bloggers 2014
    Top Christian Bloggers 2015

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