• 100s Sickened as Salmonella Outbreak Hits 23 US States
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    Salmonella bacteria (Photo via CDC)
    Outbreak of salmonella across 23 US states has sickened hundreds of people, resulting in an investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
    Oregon has so far reported the most cases of salmonella, 51, with a total of 212 people infected across the states as of July 23.
    "This outbreak is rapidly growing in size. A specific food item, grocery store, or restaurant chain has not been identified as the source of infections," the CDC said Friday.
    The CDC did not prohibit any specific food in order to avoid the disease, urging those infected to "report your illness to your local health department and talk to a healthcare provider."
    "CDC is not recommending that consumers avoid any particular food at this time. Restaurants and retailers are not advised to avoid serving or selling any particular food. We will provide more information as it becomes available."
    From six hours to six days after being exposed to the bacteria, most of those infected with the salmonella strain develop diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps.
    The new states infected -- since the last update on Tuesday -- are Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Maine, North Dakota, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Virginia.
    The latest outbreak comes amid the coronavirus outbreak which has infected more than four million people in the United States, and killed nearly 150 thousand others.
    According to CDC estimation, Salmonella bacteria causes about 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths in the United States every year.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 6:21 PM No comments:
    Intl. Outcry Continues After US Warplanes' Harassment of Iranian Airliner
    Saturday, 25 July 2020 6:03 PM
    Press TV
    File photo shows two airborne US F-15 warplanes (Photo by AFP)
    Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen keep up the chorus of international outcry that has followed two American warplanes’ dangerous and provocative harassment of a Beirut-bound Iranian airliner over the Syrian airspace.
    Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Nassif Hitti “vehemently condemned” the Thursday incident that saw the warplanes -- enlisted with the US-led forces, who are illegally deployed to Syria -- flying precariously close to Mahan Air’s Flight 1152 that had taken off from Tehran.
    Cited by Lebanon-based al-Ahed news website on Saturday, Hitti blasted the fly-by due to its endangering the lives of civilians, some of whom belonged to Lebanon, calling the episode “unacceptable.”
    “Even if there were no Lebanese on board, we would still protest,” Hitti added, and noted that the presence of Lebanese nationals has only reinforced Lebanon’s condemnation of the incident.
    At the time of the harassment, Syria’s civil aviation authority specified the airspace over Syria’s hugely-strategic al-Tanf region as the place where the incident had happened.
    The terrorist US Central Command that directs the US forces in Western Asia confirmed later that a single F-15 aircraft had made a “visual inspection” of the Iranian airliner “in accordance with international standards... to ensure the safety of [US-led] coalition personnel” at the US military base in al-Tanf.
    The pilot was forced to swiftly lower the altitude at which the airliner was flying to avoid a collision with the US warplanes. The precaution resulted in injuries in some of the passengers, who hit their heads hard against the plane’s ceiling.
    The flight, nevertheless, landed safely afterwards in the Lebanese capital, and all the passengers left the airliner.
    Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has also condemned the incident, calling it a “terrorist act” and a “very dangerous matter” that could have had dire consequences for the entire Middle East region.
    Also on Saturday, Lebanese Health Minister Hamad Hasan said Beirut was going to lodge a complaint at international institutions and organizations over the incident. Earlier, the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran had also condemned the harassment, vowing to lodge a complaint over the "unlawful" act at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
    ‘A double crime’
    Meanwhile, Syria’s Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar al-Ja’afari considered the fly-by to be “a double crime,” stressing that the Americans had not only violated the Syrian sovereignty, but also contravened the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation by staging the maneuvering.
    “This is not the first time they threaten Iranian passenger planes… they dropped an Iranian plane over the [Persian] Gulf waters on July 3rd,1988 that led to the martyrdom of 290 passengers,” al-Ja’afari told IRNA in a statement.
    He reiterated Damascus’ position of the 2014-present presence of US-led forces in the Arab country, rejecting the deployment as completely illegal.
    Washington and its allies launched their military invasion in Syria in 2014 under the pretext of battling the Takfiri terrorist group of Daesh, forgoing any permission from Damascus. The US-led forces retain the presence, although Syria and its allies, Iran and Russia, defeated the Takfiris in late 2017.
    According to the official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), Syria’s Ambassador in Tehran Adnan Mahmoud also called the harassment “a tangible embodiment of the US terrorist method that targets the lives of civilians, including children and women, in a flagrant violation of international conventions.”
    “The hostile act can’t be separated from the US practices in supporting terrorism and looting the Syrian people’s resources,” Adnan said in a statement.
    Chiming in with the international criticism was Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement that called the maneuvering near the civilian airliner "a blatant attack, a violation of international agreements in air navigation, and a terrorist practice," Yemen’s al-Masirah television network reported.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 6:09 PM No comments:
    Passengers on Airplane ‘Harassed’ by Fighter Jet Can Sue US: Iran
    By Jon Levine
    July 25, 2020 | 12:47pm
    Passengers on an Iranian airplane “harassed” by a US fighter jet may sue the United States in Iran’s courts, the country’s judiciary has ruled.
    Iranian state media on Friday said several passengers on an Air Mahan flight from Tehran to Beirut were injured after the pilot was forced to rapidly change altitude to avoid a collision with a US F-15 fighter jet, Reuters reported. The US military has disputed this, saying the aircraft was flying at a safe distance from the airplane while performing a routine inspection of the flight.
    “All passengers on Mahan Air Flight 1152, Iranians and non-Iranian, can sue the terrorist US military — commanders, perpetrators, supervisors and deputies — in Iranian courts for moral and physical damages,” Ali Bagheri-Kani, who runs the human rights office of the state’s judiciary, told state media.
    The incident is the latest escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran which has seen relations deteriorate markedly during President Trump’s administration.
    In January, the United States killed Iranian general and terrorist leader Qassem Soleimani in an airstrike. In retaliation, Iran pelted two airbases in Iraq housing US troops with more than a dozen ballistic missiles. The country also accidentally shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane, killing all 176 people on board.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 6:00 PM No comments:
    Vietnam Took Drastic Early Action to Fight the Coronavirus — and Has Reported Zero Deaths
    FRI, JUL 24 202012:37 PM EDT
    Christina Farr
    Vietnam has reported zero deaths from Covid-19. It has just 412 cases, despite having a population of more than 95 million people.
    What went well: Aggressive contact tracing, quarantine, and a clear communication campaign from the government.
    The response wasn’t perfect, and some found it repressive, but it is now one of the most successful in the world.
    Vietnamese tourists pose for photographs on a boat touring Ha Long Bay, after the Vietnamese government eased the lockdown following the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, on May 31, 2020 in Ha Long, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam.
    Linh Pham | Getty Images
    CNBC is looking at how places around the world have tackled Covid-19. By talking to a wide range of experts, as well as everyday citizens, we’re taking stock of what’s gone well — and what hasn’t.
    Vietnam has confirmed 412 cases of Covid-19 and reported no deaths in a country of 95.5 million. The country took strong early action to stem the spread of the virus, and many locals have now deemed the efforts to be highly successful. Some recent reports, which is still far from proven, indicates Vietnam may not have been “immunologically naive,” because something resembling SARS-COV-2 might have been circulating for years. That theory is still yet to be proven. Others have speculated that the data isn’t trustworthy, but local researchers largely believe it is.
    Vietnam now resembles normalcy, with its bars and restaurants open. In April, it donated hazmat suits and masks to harder-hit countries in Europe and the United States, where millions of people have been diagnosed with the virus.
    Aggressive contact tracing
    The first case in Vietnam was reported in late January and involved a man and his son returning to the country from Wuhan, China. A week later, the country sprung into action with a “whole government” strategy, which many believe it has been prepared for since the SARS pandemic of 2003.
    People who tested positive for the virus and their close contacts were placed into quarantine camps for 14 days. The contact tracing, as outlined by the researchers from Oxford University’s clinical research unit in Vietnam, incorporated three degrees of separation. People who came into close contact with people who came into close contact with someone known to be infected with the virus -- were told to isolate at home.
    Strict quarantines
    Dr. Julien Pham, a Vietnamese-American physician and investor living in Boston, recalls feeling apprehensive when his father announced he would be returning to Vietnam for a Buddhist pilgrimage in early March. Pham’s father, who’s also a doctor, traveled from France to join up with a group of more than 30 people.
    “Almost immediately, the government stepped in,” Pham said. Because of his connections in the country, his father was able to stay with family at home for 14 days. But by mid-March, anyone entering the country was sent straight to a quarantine center where they remained for two weeks.
    At the outset of the pandemic, Vietnam urged local medical equipment companies to help them ramp up a testing program. By April, the country had already performed hundreds of thousands of tests. At that time, for every confirmed case, the government was testing almost 800 people -- by far the highest in the world. The next highest, according to data compiled by Reuters, is Taiwan, which tested 140 people for every case.
    According to a research report, Vietnam went from having just two testing sites nationwide in late January to 120 by May.
    “We would see hundreds of tests for every positive infection,” said Binh Tran, a general partner at 500 Startups Vietnam. “They’d test neighbors, store owners, really anyone you’d been in contact with.”
    Early school closures and travel restrictions
    The Vietnamese understood that hospital capacity was limited, and hospitals would be quickly overwhelmed if they didn’t get ahead of the problem.
    So schools closed for the Lunar New Year holiday at the end of January and stayed closed until mid-May. From the outset, there were restrictions on travel. Flights to and from China were suspended in February. The government closed down the country for two weeks on April 1. In some regions, the lockdowns were extended for a longer period.
    “The lockdown seemed strict but everyone was compliant,” said Christian Lam Pham, a deputy general director of the Dacotex Group, an international garment company with showrooms and production plants in Vietnam.
    Vietnam constantly reminded citizens to wear a mask, wash their hands and socially distance from each other. The Ministry of Health even produced a PSA where it worked with two singers to produce a catchy song about steps people can take to avoid getting the virus.
    “You’d get texts regularly during lockdown to remind you to stay inside,” said Stephen Turban, a former McKinsey consultant who recently moved to the country to help found a new university in Vietnam. “When you call a friend, you get a ring tone where a woman reminds you to wear a mask.” For Turban, who moved to the country from San Francisco, the guidelines were crystal clear -- and he rarely saw anyone flouting them.
    “There are constant societal reminders of your role,” he said. According to Turban, people still wear masks in public even as the country has re-opened, largely out of habit but also a feeling of social responsibility.
    When a British pilot for Vietnam Airlines developed Covid-19 in mid-March, his health quickly deteriorated. Doctors concluded that the only path forward for “patient 91” would be a lung transplant. According to the state-run Vietnam News, 26 people came forward and offered to donate part of their lung to the pilot. None of the people had any relation to the pilot. That pilot is now returning home after months on life support, according to BBC News.
    “There’s a concept in Vietnam that roughly translates to ‘public consciousness’,” said Turban, who now lives in Vietnam. “Vietnam has a robust sense that there’s a shared responsibility to the community.”
    Protocols at hospitals to reduce the risk of infection
    In Mid-February, the Ministry of Health put together a document for hospitals to guide them on screening, admission and isolation of confirmed or suspected Covid-19 cases. They also strongly encouraged the use of personal protective equipment and established protocols to disinfect surfaces and supplies. Since the SARS epidemic, when dozens of health care workers got sick, Vietnam has been investing heavily in hospital infection control.
    When Dang went to a top hospital in Vietnam to drop off supplies at the height of the outbreak, she recalls a strict adherence to the guidelines.
    “When we’d do deliveries in Hanoi, I remember going through three rounds of hygiene procedures just to get in the door,” she said. “There was even a guard walking with me to make sure I didn’t deviate on my path.”
    Social shaming
    Similarly to other Asian countries like Taiwan, there was some social shaming of people who didn’t take the virus seriously. In one notable case, an heiress who attended fashion shows in Europe contracted Covid-19 and brought it back to Vietnam. When the story got out, there was sweeping anger towards her, including a Facebook page dedicated to calling out her risky behaviors.
    Some Vietnamese citizens have mixed feelings about it.
    “When word got out, she was deeply shamed especially via social media. It is a shame that a young woman is pilloried on social media,” said Ken Watari, a director for entrepreneurship and innovation at the Fulbright University in Vietnam. “At the same time, the public impact of that event is that it likely encouraged other Vietnamese young people to behave in a safer way.”
    Alleviating the financial impact
    According to Lam Pham, a lot of businesses in the country were impacted during the lockdown. His company owns factories, which was considered an essential activity, but staff felt very nervous at times despite safety measures they implemented. He says it’s been a stressful time for business owners because many faced salary reductions, late payments from buyers, and struggles to forecast the future. Now things have stabilized a bit because the country has opened back up, he says.
    But many people rely on tourism, so they’re concerned about the future. A lot will depend on Vietnam’s success in convincing people, particularly throughout Asia, that the country is a safe place to visit.
    “At the end of the day,” he said. Businesses are struggling to survive and pass by this tough time.”
    Some groups, including Human Rights Watch, have called out Vietnam’s efforts to enforce quarantine and social distancing as excessive. They fear that many of the worst aspects of the response will never be shared with the media because the public is fearful of criticizing the government’s response. Some have even gone as far as to determine that the entire response has been “built on repression.”
    Others say that people in Vietnam may be more comfortable with trading some individual liberties for greater safety during a pandemic.
    “Some of us from the West may see the government quarantine facilities as quite draconian for example, but it’s a tradeoff the Vietnamese have readily made, and they’re quite happy with it,” said Watari.
    The quarantine centers are bare-bones facilities.
    Trang Dang, the founder of a company called Ru9, which produces and sells mattresses in Vietnam, donated some of her own products to the centers. People sleep in bunk beds in rooms of four to six, and there are few fans, pillows and blankets. The centers do provide three meals per day, basic toiletries and Wi-Fi. Dang feels that most of the hundreds of thousands of people who spent time in a facility felt glad they did it in retrospect.
    “It’s a minimal sacrifice and now you have an open country,” she said.
    Still, the living conditions could be improved for those working at the facilities, as several social media posts showed them sleeping on makeshift beds outside.
    “After that went viral, it spiked a lot of interest and locals felt a responsibility to donate money and supplies,” she said.
    Foreigners staying in Vietnam say they’re searching for clarity on whether their visas will be renewed. “There’s confusion about that,” said Tran, who lives with his wife and children in the country. “I think many would benefit from a clear understanding on that.”
    Vietnam has said that foreigners who arrived before March 1 can be considered for an extension of their visa, provided they can share a letter from their embassy or consulate that they were unable to leave “due to objective reasons.”
    How Vietnam scores overall: 9/10
    We asked every expert we spoke to for their score out of 10. (1 is the extremely poor and 10 is ideal.) It’s an extremely subjective measurement, but the average across all of them was 9.
    “I’d give Vietnam a 9.5 out of 10 because 10 is unachievable,” said Tran.
    “Given their circumstances, they’ve done incredibly well,” added Turban.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 5:44 PM No comments:
    CDC Changes COVID-19 Guidance on How Long Patients Need to be Isolated
    Most people are no longer infectious 10 days after they begin having symptoms, so the CDC is now discouraging people from getting tested a second time.
    July 24, 2020, 5:54 PM EDT
    By Akshay Syal
    People who have been confirmed with mild to moderate COVID-19 can leave their isolation without receiving a negative test, according to recently revised guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    Increasing evidence shows that most people are no longer infectious 10 days after they begin having symptoms of COVID-19. As a result, the CDC is discouraging people from getting tested a second time after they recover.
    “For most persons with COVID-19 illness, isolation and precautions can generally be discontinued 10 days after symptom onset and resolution of fever for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and with improvement of other symptoms,” the CDC says.
    For people who have tested positive but don't have symptoms, "isolation and other precautions can be discontinued 10 days after the date of their first positive RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 RNA.”
    Dr. Joshua Barocas, an infectious disease physician at the Boston Medical Center, said many doctors have felt for months that a negative test to end isolation was not a practical solution.
    “What we had seen clinically very much aligns with these new guidelines, at least for the vast majority of people,” he told NBC News. “It's one of those cases in which the CDC is now catching up to the clinician.”
    There are exceptions for the 10-day guidance, including people with compromised immune systems who may be infectious for a longer period of time.
    “For the average immunocompetent person, I think we can feel quite confident that after 10 days, they're no longer contagious,” Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University told NBC News.
    In a briefing with reporters last week, Brett Giroir, the assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, said that a required negative test after a confirmed infection was because of early outbreaks in cruise ships where people were quarantined and looking to get out.
    “That is no longer needed, and it is medically unnecessary,” he said.
    The CDC also notes that virus fragments have been found in patients up to three months after the onset of the illness, although those pieces of virus have not been shown to be capable of transmitting the disease.
    “You could be positive by PCR test long after no longer being infectious,” Giroir said during the Health and Human Services briefing July 14. Some people were getting tests four to six times. You don’t need to be be retested unless you’re critically ill or immunosuppressed in which you could shed virus longer.”
    A PCR or polymerase chain reaction test detects coronavirus genetic material that’s present when the virus is active. Clinicians typically collect a nasal or throat sample from someone with a long nasopharyngeal swab.
    Joseph Petrosino, the chair of virology and microbiology at the Baylor College of Medicine, said: “ I think one of the nice things about the CDC recommendation was that they pulled together a lot of data from a lot of different places from around the world that show that a lot of these long-term shedders are not associated with new infections or virus transmission.”
    Schaffner said that it will take time for these recommendations to become widely adopted but once they do, they will have a modest effect on testing backlogs that are plaguing the U.S. health system.
    “Our testing circumstances in the United States are not anywhere close still, to what they need to be,” he said. “The question is how well do the testing resources fulfill the needs of our country? And on that score, it's C minus at best.”
    “Anything we can do to help that, the better,” he added.
    The recommendation of 10 days is specifically for those who test positive for the coronavirus and have been asked to self-isolate. It doesn’t apply to people who need to quarantine to keep from possibly spreading the virus. The incubation period for the virus is 14 days, health experts say, so anyone who has been exposed to the virus would need to quarantine to see if they become sick.
    Most people who are infected develop symptoms after about five days, although approximately 20 to 40 percent who are infected don’t develop any symptoms.
    Akshay Syal is a medical fellow with the NBC News Health and Medical Unit.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 5:36 PM No comments:
    'Shut it Down Now:' U.S. Health Experts Call for 2nd Coronavirus Shutdown
    'There's nothing that's ever been less political than the coronavirus,' one doctor who signed the letter explains
    By Amanda del Castillo
    "Shut it down now, and start over" is the message from health experts across the country, including several here in the Bay Area. More than 150 of them have endorsed an open letter to lawmakers, saying it's time to hit the restart button.
    SAN JOSE, Calif. -- "Shut it down now, and start over" is the message from health experts across the country as COVID-19 cases surge in more than 40 states. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the U.S. could see 175,000 confirmed coronavirus-related deaths by August 15.
    More than 150 doctors endorsed an open letter to lawmakers, urging them to hit the restart button.
    The letter, published on the United States Public Interest Research Group's website and penned by its public health campaigns director Matthew Wellington, blames the push to reopen the economy for the country's worsening health crisis and calls for all nonessential businesses to close.
    Dr. Travis Porco, an ophthalmological biostatistician and professor at the University of California, San Fransisco, said he signed the letter.
    "I believe everybody that signed that endorses that and sees this crisis for what it is -- a crisis that's not gotten any better. It's only gotten worse," he said.
    U.S. doctors are urging governments to shut down as coronavirus cases in the nation surge.
    The letter came with the warning, "If you don't take these actions, the consequences will be measured in widespread suffering and death."
    Dr. Porco added that America's struggle to contain the virus is evident on the world stage.
    "I think we've already failed in comparison to many countries," he said. "We've seen many countries act swiftly and efficiently to crush the pandemic. They're reopening and they're doing fine. We didn't. We couldn't do that."
    Health experts also fear inconsistent messaging, unenforced policies and push back over mask-wearing can be devastating.
    "There's nothing that's ever been less political than the coronavirus," Dr. Porco said. "I mean, the coronavirus doesn't care if you're a Democrat or Republican. Or what your religion is, or what your ethnicity is. We're just food to that thing."
    The letter includes a list of recommendations for what's needed to reopen American cities -- once it's safe -- calling for enhanced testing capabilities, more contact tracers and more personal protective equipment.
    Understanding a second shutdown would be devastating for many, Porco explained, "I think a lot of people would love to comply with the orders, but they need to put food on the table. A lot of small businesses need help. So I think as long as we support people that we're asking sacrifices of, people will understand."
    "We need you to lead," the open letter says. "We remind you that history has its eyes on you."
    Friday, July 24, 2020
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    10:42 PM No comments:
    Vaccine Studies Offer New Hope as WHO Warns on Africa Outbreak
    2020/7/21 17:03:40
    A health worker disinfects the exterior of a house in Casablanca, Morocco, on June 7, 2020. Morocco on Sunday announced 73 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the total number in the North African country to 8,224. (Photo by Chadi/Xinhua)
    Two studies offered new hope of a potential vaccine for the novel coronavirus on Monday, as the World Health Organization (WHO) warned about a possible acceleration of the disease in Africa.
    COVID-19 has killed more than 600,000 people worldwide and battered economies so far, and there is growing alarm over fresh outbreaks of the disease.
    Until recently, Africa had remained relatively unscathed by the pandemic compared to other parts of the world.
    But the situation has become increasingly worrying, particularly in South Africa, where the death toll passed the 5,000 mark and the number of infections reached 350,000 on the weekend.
    The WHO's emergencies chief Michael Ryan told a virtual news conference in Geneva that the situation in South Africa could be seen as "a warning" for what the rest of the continent might have in store.
    "I am very concerned right now that we are beginning to see an acceleration of disease in Africa," he said.
    Meanwhile, two studies published in The Lancet medical journal appeared to show progress toward a vaccine.
    One trial among more than 1,000 adults in Britain found that a vaccine induced "strong antibody and T cell immune responses" against coronavirus.
    A separate trial in China involving more than 500 people showed most had developed widespread antibody immune response.
    "If our vaccine is effective it is a promising option as these types of vaccine can be manufactured at large scale," said coauthor Sarah Gilbert from the University of Oxford.
    British biotech firm Synairgen also said on Monday a randomized trial of an aerosol-based treatment shows it could drastically reduce the number of new coronavirus patients dying of the disease or requiring intensive care.
    Many countries in Europe had largely brought their outbreaks under control and were considering further easing of restrictions before fresh clusters were detected.
    Governments are struggling to balance public health concerns against the need to open up economies crippled by months of virus lockdowns.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    10:39 PM No comments:
    Mali Opposition Declares Truce Ahead of Regional Talks Over Crisis
    2020/7/21 16:18:40
    A Malian refugee shows a document at Burkina Faso's Goudebou camp on Saturday, northern Burkina Faso. The conflict in Mali has caused nearly 150,000 people to flee the country, while about another 230,000 are internally displaced, the UN humanitarian agency said on January 15. Photo: AFP
    Mali's political opposition said it would halt protests in a "truce" ahead of the upcoming festival - Eid al-Adha - as four African presidents prepare to travel to the country this week for mediation talks to try and resolve a deepening crisis.
    Mali's President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita has been locked in a standoff for weeks with the opposition June 5 Movement, and the conflict spiraled into violent clashes earlier in July, leaving nearly a dozen people dead.
    Opposition figures have been tapping into a wellspring of anger over the president's perceived failures in tackling the dire economy, corruption and an eight-year jihadist conflict.
    The leaders of Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal and Niger will fly to the capital Bamako for talks on Thursday regarding the impasse, according to a Malian presidency official.
    Nouhoun Sarr, one of the protest movement leaders, told AFP overnight Monday to Tuesday that the opposition has "decided to observe a truce on the subject of civil disobedience. This is to allow Malians to properly prepare for and celebrate Eid."
    "During this period, there will be no more demonstrations. And as you also know, we are preparing to host the heads of state," he said.
    The Muslim Eid al-Adha festival of animal sacrifice will begin at the end of July and lasts for several days.
    Issa Kaou Djim, another protest movement figure, said the truce was a "very responsible and wise decision."
    But the opposition did not soften its demands, issuing a statement on Monday evening that again called for the resignation of Keita.
    Thursday's talks follow on the heels of a mediation mission from the West Africa bloc ECOWAS, which ended Sunday after failing to reconcile the president with the opposition.
    Among other grievances, many Malians are incensed at the outcome of long-delayed parliamentary elections in March and April that handed victory to Keita's party.
    But the current crisis came to a head on July 10, after an anti-Keita rally organized by the June 5 Movement turned violent.
    Three days of clashes between protesters and security forces followed, leaving 11 dead and 158 injured, according to an official tally, in the worst political unrest Mali had seen in years.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    10:33 PM No comments:
    China's Decision to Close US Consulate Firm, Justified: Global Times Editorial
    Global Times
    2020/7/24 13:28:41
    Photo: GT
    China on Friday announced to close and withdraw its consent for the establishment and operation of the US Consulate General in Chengdu as a reciprocal measure against the US demanding the closure of China's Consulate General in Houston. We believe in China that no one wants to see a free fall in China-US relations, but the latest reciprocal measure taken by China demonstrates that we won't indulge in the US provocations. China will not flinch in order to safeguard its bottom line.
    It's regrettable that the countries close each other's consulate. However, Chinese society will definitely support the country's decision to retaliate. It has been the US that severely provoked China first. China's reciprocal measure accords with international norms. We have no other choice.
    A few years back, neither Chinese nor American people could imagine what has happened today between China and the US. Tragic interactions are occurring and no doubt it is Washington that has led the situation to this tragic direction.
    Some two years ago, the US flagrantly launched a trade war against China. It's clear to the whole world that a certain political force in the US wants to subvert decades-long benign China-US relations, pushing the two countries to decouple and into a new cold war. A few hours ago, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared that nearly 50 years of engagement with China has failed, and called for change in the relationship and confrontation with China.
    The US consulate in Chengdu
    The current US administration is dismantling the construction of China-US relations almost with a bulldozer. They have politicized China-US trade and politicized people-to-people exchanges including educational cooperation. Numerous Chinese students in the US were suspected to be "Chinese spies," while some Chinese scholars have been persecuted in the US. Several Chinese media outlets including the Global Times were designated by the US as "foreign missions." From diplomats to journalists and students, the Chinese people are facing a completely different environment in the US. Now the US has decided to take action against the Chinese consulate in Houston.
    China has been the passive side who responds to actions made by the US which deteriorate bilateral relations. The trade war was started by the US and China was forced to respond. China was also forced to hit back as the US imposed sanctions on Chinese organizations and individuals. We can almost say that US' federal agencies are competing to create trouble for China and sabotage bilateral ties. The US' China policy as a whole has been poisoned.
    Chinese society, until today, hasn't given up its efforts to prevent China-US relations from free falling. No senior Chinese officials have completely denied the US politically or hyped up an "anti-US" sentiment among the general public. In other words, there are no Chinese officials that are anti-US figures, unlike Pompeo who is openly anti-China. When criticizing the US, Chinese officials focus on specific issues based on facts when the two countries run into conflicts. The majority of Chinese society is against engaging in a new cold war with the US. The consciousness of opening-up is deeply rooted in China.
    The US is constantly escalating anti-China moves and is forcing China to hit back. The Chinese side is facing a dilemma: It would appear weak if it doesn't fight back, which will lead to a series of consequences, seriously hurting China's long-term national interests. However, after reciprocal measures are taken to fight back, China and the US are pushed further away; decoupling is accelerating and strategic risk is rising in Asia Pacific region.
    But many times, the US side has forced China to take only one choice; that is, it must take reciprocal measures. For example, this time, China must close one US consulate in China. It takes this step to safeguard China's national interests and maintain rules-based decisions for the entire humanity.
    We want to make it clear that the Chinese side has no intentions to escalate this consulate closure conflict. This attitude of the Chinese side is politically rational, not bashful. Unlike the trade war, the US side has no advantage in this row. If the US continues to shut down the other Chinese consulates in the US, the Chinese side will definitely follow up with reciprocal steps, closing the same number of US consulates in China.
    Washington thinks it has the strongest will, but it's a huge misperception. It first closed China's consulate in the US, but China is more resolute to retaliate by closing the US consulates in China. The former is provocation, whereas the latter is defense of the country's own rights.
    The US must abandon the illusion that it can force China to yield. China is forced to take countermeasures and is indeed the most resilient. Whether the US' provocation is a show made for the election makes no difference to China. China's attitude is simple. We will hit back after any malicious provocations.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    10:26 PM No comments:
    Tensions With US Not China’s Fault: Minister
    Global Times
    2020/7/24 23:28:43
    The deterioration in bilateral ties between China and the US is a result of moves by the US side, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said when talking to his German counterpart Heiko Maas in a phone call on Friday. The US is trying to slow down China's development and it is using any means it can to achieve the goal, according to a press release from the ministry.
    Wang said that some anti-China forces in the US have been pushing ideological confrontation recently and forcing other countries to pick a side and join the confrontation with China in order to boost US interests. Any country that has conscientiousness and independence will not stand for it, Wang said.
    Wang also said that China still wants a win-win situation with the US without clashes and confrontation and with mutual respect. But China must firmly safeguard national sovereignty and dignity, as well as its development rights, and the basic code for international relations should be observed.
    China will not tolerate further provocation from the US, Wang said.
    Global Times
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    10:18 PM No comments:
    Black Activists: Portland’s Focus on Feds Only Aids Message
    Black Lives Matter organizer Teal Lindseth, 21, leads protesters on Thursday, July 23, 2020, in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
    SALEM, Ore. (AP) — After George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police, people in Portland came out in droves to protest police brutality and racism, chanting that “Black lives matter.” As the weeks went by, the crowds dwindled to a few dozen and the protests increasingly turned violent.
    Since President Donald Trump deployed militarized federal agents to the progressive city early this month, the numbers of protesters have swelled again into the thousands, including mothers wearing yellow shirts and dads armed with leaf blowers to drive away tear gas.
    “Feds go home!” the mostly white demonstrators chant. But they also call for racial justice, often led by Black protesters with megaphones.
    While the protests have taken on a new tone of opposition to federal intervention, Black leaders and protesters say the surge in activity — though often chaotic — hasn’t distracted from their anti-racist message. Instead, it’s shined a spotlight on it.
    Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, the first Black woman elected to that office, rejected the idea that the Black Lives Matter protests are being hijacked by white people.
    “We cannot afford not to respond to this attack on our democracy, this attack on our Constitution,” Hardesty said. “And we would be foolish to believe that we could stay focused just on Black lives and not address the physical assaults that are taking place.”
    Federal agents have used tear gas, less-lethal ammunition and other force against protesters who have been targeting the U.S. courthouse with fires and other vandalism during two months of nightly demonstrations. Peaceful protesters have been tear-gassed and hit by munitions. U.S. authorities say they must act to protect federal property and officers, while local leaders say their presence has made the situation more volatile and urge the agents to leave.
    By being subjected to tear gas, nightsticks and pepper spray, “white people are stepping up and they’re seeing the brutality” that Black people normally experience, said white protester Carol Vogel Warner, who has an adopted Black son. “They’re feeling it.”
    Portland police also have used tear gas and other force against protesters.
    State Sen. Lew Frederick, a Black Democrat who’s dodged pepper balls fired by federal agents at the protests, said the Trump administration “miscalculated” if it thought it could end the demonstrations with a show of force.
    “It reignited the protest movement in Portland,” Frederick said, adding that he’s seen more Black people demonstrating now than in the early days.
    Those attending the protests are overwhelmingly white, a reflection of Oregon’s makeup. Its population is only 2% Black, compared with 13% for the entire U.S., largely due to the state’s racist past. Its Constitution excluded Blacks from living in Oregon until the clause was repealed in 1927.
    Even this week, with the nation focused on the deployment of the federal agents and their tactics, white protesters chanted the names of Floyd, Breonna Taylor and other Black Americans who have been killed by police.
    Vogel Warner said thousands of people stopped marching Monday to remember them.
    “We all raised a hand and we had some moments of silence, offering either prayers or chants or our silent love to those people who died,” she recalled.
    The intervention in Oregon could be just the beginning of a clash between the Trump administration and Democratic leaders in cities nationwide. The White House announced this week that federal agents also will deploy to Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee and Albuquerque, New Mexico, to combat rising crime.
    The Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of more than 150 Black-led organizations across the U.S., said it remains “undeterred.”
    “As we witness Portland becoming a war zone, we understand clearly that this is an attempt to intimidate not just protesters on the streets of Portland but to derail our movement in defense of Black lives,” said Chinyere Tutashinda, a coalition organizer. She called it “a failed strategy” designed to increase support for Trump’s re-election.
    Some Black protesters, however, say that white people who have been throwing water bottles at law enforcement and causing vandalism are setting back the movement.
    “When we ask people to stop, they don’t. I have been pushed tonight. I have been shoved tonight. I have been told to shut up,” Portland demonstrator Julianne Jackson said. “If white people want to help us, this is not helping us.”
    The protests are just one prong of the move to end police violence and racial discrimination and serve underserved communities, Frederick said. Another is changing laws and providing assistance.
    After Floyd’s death, Oregon lawmakers passed police accountability measures proposed by the People of Color Caucus, to which Frederick belongs.
    And on July 14, 10 days after the federal deployment in Portland, lawmakers provided $62 million in federal coronavirus relief funding to Black people and businesses affected by the pandemic.
    “That’s because of the People of Color Caucus and the kind of momentum that has been fostered,” Frederick said.
    Associate Press reporters Aaron Morrison in New York and Aron Ranen and Gillian Flaccus in Portland, Oregon, contributed to this report.
    Follow Andrew Selsky on Twitter at https://twitter.com/andrewselsky
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    10:01 PM No comments:
    UN: US Protesters, Journalists Need Their Rights Protected
    A medic treats Black Lives Matter protester Lacey Wambalaba after exposure to chemical irritants deployed by federal officers at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Friday, July 24, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Since federal officers arrived in downtown Portland in early July, violent protests have largely been limited to a two block radius from the courthouse. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
    GENEVA (AP) — Protesters and journalists in U.S. cities including Portland, Oregon, must be able to take part in peaceful demonstrations without risking arbitrary arrest, detention, the unnecessary use of force or other rights violations, the U.N. human rights office said Friday.
    Spokeswoman Liz Throssell of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights noted reports that some peaceful demonstrators in Portland had been detained by unidentified officers.
    “That is a worry, because it may place those detained outside the protection of the law, and may give rise to arbitrary detention and other human rights violations,” she told reporters in Geneva.
    Throssell said authorities should make sure that security forces who are deployed are “properly and clearly identified and use force only when necessary” — proportionately and in line with international standards.
    Victims, she said, should have the right to a remedy and be able to seek an investigation of any rights violations.
    In a controversial move, President Donald Trump has dispatched federal agents to cities like Portland amid unrest on the sidelines of protests seeking racial justice in the wake of the George Floyd killing by police in May. Unrest has escalated in Portland after some federal agents were accused of whisking people away in unmarked cars without probable cause.
    Two U.S. government watchdogs said Thursday that they had opened investigations into the conduct of federal agents in Portland.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 9:54 PM No comments:
    Judge Denies Oregon Push to Limit US Agents During Arrests
    Federal officers use chemical irritants and projectiles to disperse Black Lives Matter protesters at the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse on Friday, July 24, 2020, in Portland, Ore. Since federal officers arrived in downtown Portland in early July, violent protests have largely been limited to a two block radius from the courthouse. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
    PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A U.S. judge on Friday denied Oregon’s request to restrict federal agents’ actions when they arrest people during chaotic protests that have roiled Portland and pitted local officials against the Trump administration.
    Federal agents deployed by President Donald Trump to tamp down the unrest have arrested dozens during nightly demonstrations against racial injustice that often turn violent. Democratic leaders in Oregon say federal intervention has worsened the two-month crisis, and the state attorney general sued to allege that some people had been whisked off the streets in unmarked vehicles.
    U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman said the state lacked standing to sue on behalf of protesters because the lawsuit was a “highly unusual one with a particular set of rules.”
    Oregon was seeking a restraining order on behalf of its residents not for injuries that had already happened but to prevent injuries by federal officers in the future. That combination makes the standard for granting such a motion very narrow, and the state did not prove it had standing in the case, Mosman wrote.
    Legal experts who reviewed the case before the decision warned that he could reject it on those grounds. A lawsuit from a person accusing federal agents of violating their rights to free speech or against unconstitutional search and seizure would have a much higher chance of success, Michael Dorf, a constitutional law professor at Cornell University, said ahead of the ruling.
    “The federal government acted in violation of those individuals’ rights and probably acted in violation of the Constitution in the sense of exercising powers that are reserved to the states, but just because the federal government acts in ways that overstep its authority doesn’t mean the state has an injury,” he said.
    The clashes in Portland have further inflamed the nation’s political tensions and triggered a crisis over the limits of federal power as Trump moves to send U.S. officers to other Democratic-led cities to combat crime. It’s playing out as Trump pushes a new “law and order” reelection strategy after the coronavirus crashed the economy.
    Protesters in Portland have been targeting the federal courthouse, setting fires outside and vandalizing the building that U.S. authorities say they have a duty to protect. Federal agents have used tear gas, less-lethal ammunition that left one person critically injured and other force to scatter protesters.
    The lawsuit from Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum accused federal agents of arresting protesters without probable cause and using excessive force. She sought a temporary restraining order to “immediately stop federal authorities from unlawfully detaining Oregonians.”
    David Morrell, an attorney for the U.S. government, called the motion “extraordinary” and told the judge in a hearing this week that it was based solely on “a few threadbare declarations” from witnesses and a Twitter video. Morrell called the protests “dangerous and volatile.”
    Rosenblum said the ramifications of the ruling were “extremely troubling.”
    “While I respect Judge Mosman, I would ask this question: If the state of Oregon does not have standing to prevent this unconstitutional conduct by unidentified federal agents running roughshod over her citizens, who does?” Rosenblum said in a statement. “Individuals mistreated by these federal agents can sue for damages, but they can’t get a judge to restrain this unlawful conduct more generally.”
    Before the federal intervention, Mayor Ted Wheeler and other local leaders had said a small cadre of violent activists were drowning out the message of peaceful protesters. But the Democrat, who was tear-gassed this week as he joined protesters, says the federal presence is exacerbating a tense situation and he’s repeatedly told them to leave.
    Homeland Security acting Secretary Chad Wolf denied that federal agents were inflaming the situation in Portland and said Wheeler legitimized criminality by joining demonstrators, whom Trump has called “anarchists and agitators.”
    In the lawsuit, Oregon had asked the judge to command agents from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Customs and Border Protection, the Federal Protective Service and the U.S. Marshals Service to stop detaining protesters without probable cause, to identify themselves before arresting anyone and to explain why an arrest is taking place.
    Agents have arrested 18 people in Portland this week, not including early Friday, when they again used tear gas to force thousands of demonstrators from crowding around the courthouse. Protesters projected lasers on the building and tried to take down a security fence. They scattered as clouds of gas rose up and agents fired crowd control munitions.
    Wolf said Tuesday that 43 people had been arrested on federal charges at that point.
    They face federal charges including assaulting federal officers, arson and damaging federal property, U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams said. All the defendants are local and were released after making a court appearance.
    U.S. officers “working to protect the courthouse have been subjected to nightly threats and assaults from demonstrators while performing their duties,” according to a statement from Williams’ office.
    The Oregon attorney general’s motion was one of several lawsuits against authorities’ actions. A different federal judge late Thursday blocked U.S. agents from arresting or using physical force against journalists and legal observers at demonstrations.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 9:42 PM No comments:
    San Francisco Bus Driver Assaulted With Bat Over Mask Order
    FILE - In this April 7, 2020, file photo, a Muni worker walks in front of buses at a San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency yard in San Francisco. A San Francisco bus driver was assaulted with a wooden bat after asking several passengers to wear a mask in keeping with city health orders to combat the coronavirus. A San Francisco police spokesman said three men boarded the bus Wednesday afternoon, July 22, 2020, and refused the driver's multiple requests to put on masks. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu, File)
    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A San Francisco bus driver was assaulted with a wooden bat after asking three passengers to wear a mask in keeping with city health orders to combat the coronavirus.
    The three men boarded the bus in the city’s South of Market neighborhood Wednesday afternoon, said San Francisco Police Department officer Robert Rueca in an email Friday. The driver asked the passengers multiple times to wear a mask but they refused, so the driver pulled over to let them off, Rueca said in a statement.
    “As the victim was escorting the males off the bus one of the males pulled out a wooden bat and struck the victim several times, which caused the victim to be injured,” he said.
    The passengers fled on foot.
    The extent of the driver’s injuries was not made public. An email to the mayor’s office and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency was not immediately returned.
    San Francisco requires people to wear face coverings while on public transportation.
    For most people, the new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For some — especially older adults and people with existing health problems — it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia, and death.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 9:33 PM No comments:
    Pepcid-COVID Study Raised Red Flags Weeks After $21M Grant
    This June 15, 2020 photo shows a bottle and tablets of Pepcid antacid in Washington. The U.S. government's Pepcid project has revealed what critics describe as the Trump administration’s disregard for science and anti-corruption rules meant to guard against taxpayer dollars going to political cronies or funding projects that aren’t rigorously designed. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
    Two months after the Trump administration awarded $21 million to study whether a common heartburn drug was effective against COVID-19, government health officials raised serious concerns about patient safety and scientific integrity, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press.
    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services outlined a long list of concerns in a June 8 letter, concluding there was “a high probability” that the companies doing the research would fail to honor the terms of the deal to assess famotidine, the active ingredient in Pepcid, as a coronavirus treatment.
    The AP reported Thursday that the contract with Florida-based Alchem Laboratories and its subcontractor, Northwell Health in New York, was the subject of ridicule by some government scientists who did not think the Pepcid study merited millions of federal research dollars. A federal whistleblower, Dr. Rick Bright, cited the contract as a key example of what he called unethical conduct by agency leadership in deciding how to spend taxpayer dollars to combat the coronavirus.
    Despite the problems, the HHS office spearheading the federal response to the coronavirus crisis has not canceled the contract. Northwell, the state’s largest health care provider, told AP earlier this week that the famotidine trial has been paused indefinitely because of a shortage of new COVID-19 patients in New York.
    In the four-page “cure notice,” HHS raised a litany of red flags about the Pepcid trial, which delivers a large dose of famotidine intravenously to patients in the study. Among them: a “lack of adequate documentation of good clinical practices related to ensuring patient safety.”
    HHS’s letter also said the researchers failed to implement a system to track harm to patients, lacked an independent data monitor to ensure the integrity of the trial’s findings and failed to provide government scientists overseeing the contract with proper Food and Drug Administration documentation.
    “These are very serious concerns and are most shocking in the lack of attention to possible safety risks for what is a very high dose of famotidine, far above the FDA-approved dosing parameters for its currently-approved uses,” said Dr. Aaron Kesselheim, a Harvard Medical School professor who reviewed the the HHS letter for the AP.
    “It would be unethical to run any clinical trial without a plan for tracking adverse events experienced by patients,” he said, “so that it can inform the decision about whether any benefits of the drug being studied that might be identified in the trial outweigh any risks.”
    An HHS spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request seeking comment on the letters.
    James Talton, Alchem’s president and CEO, in a June 19 response to the letter, told HHS that frequent changes in standards of care for patients required a redesign of the trial. Talton didn’t respond to AP’s request for comment.
    On April 14, the Trump administration signed the contract to test famotidine in COVID-19 patients in New York despite a lack of published data or studies to suggest heavy doses would be safe or effective against the novel coronavirus. When government scientists learned of the hastily produced proposal to spend millions in federal funding on the research, they considered it laughable, according to Bright’s whistleblower complaint.
    But the June letter from HHS would indicate that the trial was plagued by poor management from the start.
    “The manner in which the clinical trial has been conducted by the Alchem/Northwell team does not meet the standards specified (in) the contract and suggests a high probability that Alchem will be unable to meet the terms of the contract,” the letter stated, noting that it’s purpose was to “communicate the government’s concerns.”
    Dr. Robert Kaplan, a Stanford University medical professor and former associate director of the National Institutes of Health, said when HHS sends a cure notice about a clinical trial, it is “a fairly serious step” by the agency in voicing concerns that had been reached through consensus internally.
    “The (HHS) boards have the responsibility to stop the trial if there is a safety concern. They can also stop the trial for futility, if it is unlikely to produce a significant benefit.”
    Critics, including Bright, who opposed funding the trial while director at HHS’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA, said the Pepcid project underscores the Trump administration’s disregard for science and anti-corruption rules — rules meant to protect taxpayer dollars from going to political cronies or funding projects that aren’t based on more rigorous science.
    The government had very little data on which to base a funding decision about Pepcid and COVID-19, critics say; there was no high-grade research on famotidine’s coronavirus-fighting potential to underpin a clinical trial involving hundreds of patients.
    Bright filed a complaint accusing a senior administration health official of rushing the deal through without the scientific oversight necessary for such a large federal award.
    Alchem’s Talton outlined in his response to HHS how his company and Northwell had addressed the concerns. The companies agreed to assign an independent medical monitor to audit all of the data produced by the trial, according to Talton, and he also vowed to implement a system to deal with “the backlog of collected adverse events,” as specified by HHS.
    Neither Northwell nor Alchem have reported publicly any patient harm, or “adverse events,” from the administration of intravenous famotidine to COVID-19 patients
    “The clinical trial is currently suspended.” Talton wrote. “I urge BARDA to continue the studies related to famotidine as a treatment for COVID-19 under (the contract).”
    Northwell Health spokesman Matthew Libassi said the cure notice had “nothing to do with our decision to put the trial on hold.” The HHS letter refers “to administrative matters and how they are communicated, particularly regarding the collection and analysis of data,” he added.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 9:20 PM No comments:
    AP-NORC Poll: Nearly Half Say Job Lost to Virus Won’t Return
    FILE - In this July 13, 2020, file photo a For Rent sign hangs on a closed shop during the coronavirus pandemic in Miami Beach, Fla. Nearly half of Americans whose families experienced layoffs during the pandemic now believe their lost jobs will not return, a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows, as temporary layoffs give way to shuttered businesses, bankruptcies and lasting payroll cuts. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky, File)
    WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly half of Americans whose families experienced a layoff during the coronavirus pandemic now believe those jobs are lost forever, a new poll shows, a sign of increasing pessimism that would translate into roughly 10 million workers needing to find a new employer, if not a new occupation.
    It’s a sharp change after initial optimism the jobs would return, as temporary cutbacks give way to shuttered businesses, bankruptcies and lasting payroll cuts. In April, 78% of those in households with a job loss thought they’d be temporary. Now, 47% think that lost job is definitely or probably not coming back, according to the latest poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
    The poll is the latest sign the solid hiring of May and June, as some states lifted stay-at-home orders and the economy began to recover, may wane as the year goes on. Adding to the challenge: Many students will begin the school year online, making it harder for parents to take jobs outside their homes.
    “Honestly, at this point, there’s not going to be a job to go back to,” said Tonica Daley, 35, who lives in Riverside, California, and has four children ranging from 3 to 18 years old. “The kids are going to do virtual school, and there is no day care.”
    Daley was furloughed from her job as a manager at J.C. Penney, which has filed for bankruptcy protection. The extra $600 a week in jobless benefits Congress provided as part of the federal government’s coronavirus relief efforts let her family pay down its credit cards, she said, but the potential expiration or reduction of those benefits in August would force her to borrow money to get by.
    The economy’s recovery has shown signs of stalling amid a resurgence of the coronavirus. The number of laid-off workers seeking jobless benefits rose last week for the first time since March, while the number of U.S. infections shot past 4 million — with many more cases undetected.
    The poll shows that 72% of Americans would rather have restrictions in place in their communities to stop the spread of COVID-19 than remove them in an effort to help the economy. Just 27% want to prioritize the economy over efforts to stop the outbreak.
    “The only real end to this pandemic problem is the successful application of vaccines,” said Fred Folkman, 82, a business professor from Long Island, in New York.
    About 9 in 10 Democrats prioritize stopping the virus, while Republicans are more evenly divided — 46% focus on stopping the spread, while 53% say the economy is the bigger priority.
    President Donald Trump and Congress have yet to agree to a new aid package. Democrats, who control the House, have championed an additional $3 trillion in help, including money for state and local governments. Republicans, who control the Senate, have proposed $1 trillion, decreasing the size of the expanded unemployment benefits.
    Overall, about half of Americans say they or someone in their household has lost some kind of income over the course of the pandemic. That includes 27% who say someone has been laid off, 33% been scheduled for fewer hours, 24% taken unpaid time off and 29% had wages or salaries reduced.
    Eighteen percent of those who lost a household job now say it has come back, while another 34% still expect it to return.
    The poll continues to show the pandemic’s disparate impact. About 6 in 10 nonwhite Americans say they’ve lost a source of household income, compared with about half of white Americans. Forty-six percent of those with college degrees say they’ve lost some form of household income, compared with 56% of those without.
    Trump’s approval rating on handling the economy stands at 48%, consistent with where it stood a month ago but down from January and March, when 56% said they approved. Still, the economy remains Trump’s strongest issue. Working to Trump’s advantage, 88% of Republicans — including 85% of those whose households have lost income during the pandemic — approve of his handling of the economy. Eighty-two percent of Democrats disapprove.
    “A lot of people criticize our president, but he’s a cheerleader,” said Jim Russ, 74, a retired state worker from Austin, Texas. “As long we keep that, the American public will think positive and look positive.”
    The poll finds that 38% of Americans think the national economy is good. That’s about the same as in June and up from 29% in May but far below the 67% who felt that way in January.
    Sixty-four percent of Republicans think the economy is good, compared with 19% of Democrats. Likewise, 59% of Republicans expect the economy to improve in the next year, while Democrats are more likely to expect it to worsen than improve, 47% to 29%.
    Sixty-five percent of Americans also call their personal financial situation good. That’s about the same as it’s been throughout the pandemic and before the crisis began. Still, Americans are slightly less likely than they were a month ago to expect their personal financial situation to improve in the next year. Thirty-three percent say that now, after 38% said so a month ago. Another 16% expect their finances to worsen, while 51% expect no changes.
    So much of what happens in the economy will depend on the trajectory of the virus, said Danny Vaughn, 72, from Dade City, Florida.
    “I don’t disagree with everything the president does, but his leadership on the coronavirus issue has been lacking,” Vaughn said. “And that’s the number one issue facing the American people right now.”
    The AP-NORC poll of 1,057 adults was conducted July 16-20 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 4.3 percentage points.
    AP-NORC Center: http://www.apnorc.org/.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at 9:07 PM No comments:
    Extra Unemployment Aid Expires as Virus Threatens New States
    Motorists take part in a caravan protest in front of Senator John Kennedy's office at the Hale Boggs Federal Building asking for the extension of the $600 in unemployment benefits to people out of work because of the coronavirus in New Orleans, La. Wednesday, July 22, 2020. (Max Becherer/The Advocate via AP)
    LOS ANGELES (AP) — As public health officials warned Friday that the coronavirus posed new risks to parts of the Midwest and South, enhanced federal payments that helped avert financial ruin for millions of unemployed Americans were set to expire — leaving threadbare safety nets offered by individual states to catch them.
    Since early in the pandemic, the federal government has added $600 to the weekly unemployment checks that states send. That increase ends this week, and with Congress still haggling over next steps, most states will not be able to offer nearly as much.
    The extra federal aid helped keep Wally Wendt and his family afloat.
    Wendt, 54, of Everett, Washington, was laid off from the fitness company where he worked for 31 years. The extra federal benefits helped him pay a loan to put a new roof on his house that he took out before the virus struck and the economy cratered.
    The money also helps his daughter, who lost her restaurant job. With the boost, she can afford diapers, baby formula, rent and utilities. Without it, Wendt said, his daughter and her two children might move in with him.
    “The politicians need to get their ducks in a row.” Wendt said. “The pressure’s not on them, it’s on all of us blue-collar workers who are struggling to make a living.”
    In addition to the end of the $600 payments, federal protections against evictions also are set to expire.
    Standard unemployment benefits often leave recipients with poverty-level incomes, but they are sure to continue, even as states wrestle with diminishing unemployment trust funds.
    Every state offers assistance for at least some unemployed workers based on a portion of their previous earnings. The maximum amounts vary widely, from $235 a week in Mississippi to $1,234 in Massachusetts. Benefits are available for as few as six weeks in Georgia and up to 28 weeks in Montana. Most states normally cut people off after 26 weeks.
    The potential loss of benefits comes at a time of increasing pessimism about job prospects. Nearly half of Americans whose families experienced a layoff during the pandemic now believe those jobs are lost forever, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
    Aside from the pandemic’s economic damage, the virus itself threatens to overwhelm parts of the country that have been relatively unscathed.
    White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx warned in a television interview that the surge of cases in the South and Southwest could make its way north.
    “What started out very much as a Southern and Western epidemic is starting to move up the East Coast, into Tennessee, Arkansas, up into Missouri, up across Colorado,” Birx told NBC’s “Today” show. She implored people to wear masks, wash hands and keep at least 6 feet apart.
    In Missouri, confirmed cases have risen sharply since Republican Gov. Mike Parson allowed the state to reopen in mid-June. The number of positive tests set a record three days in a row this week.
    Birx said health professionals have “called out the next set of cities” where they see early warning signs because if those cities make changes now they “won’t become a Phoenix.” Arizona’s sprawling capital has suffered a severe outbreak, though Birx said Friday the federal government was seeing encouraging declines in positive test results there and in San Antonio, which like much of Texas has been hard hit.
    The governor of Vermont, where cases have been among the nation’s lowest, responded Friday by issuing an order requiring people to wear masks in public. “We are still in very good shape, but it is time to prepare,” Republican Gov. Phil Scott said. Also Friday, McDonald’s announced it would soon start requiring masks in its restaurants.
    Masks continue to be a national flashpoint. Police in Green Bay, Wisconsin, were investigating death threats made against elected city officials over a new mandate requiring face coverings in public buildings. Indiana’s governor dropped a planned criminal penalty from the statewide face mask mandate that he signed Friday after objections from many law enforcement officials and some conservative legislators.
    Sunbelt states that have been besieged in recent weeks are still struggling. Florida, for example, reported 135 new deaths and 12,000 new cases, pushing its total of identified infections past 400,000. In California, officials reported a record 159 deaths Friday, bringing total deaths to around 8,200. California now has more than 435,000 confirmed cases.
    Meanwhile, lawmakers in Washington were negotiating a new coronavirus relief bill as state and local governments, schools, businesses and others pushed for a new dose of aid. Congressional Democrats have sought to keep the extra $600 in unemployment checks rolling. Republicans who control the Senate have proposed benefits worth 70% of what people made before.
    The $600 weekly bonus is technically set to expire July 31, but the cutoff is effectively Saturday owing to how states process payments.
    Other aspects of the enhanced benefits will continue, including coverage for some gig workers and freelancers who are usually ineligible for unemployment, as well as a 13-week extension of regular payments that the federal government is helping to subsidize.
    Critics noted that the extra cash payments meant many workers were receiving more for not working than they did working — a possible disincentive for returning to the job. Supporters cast that as an acknowledgement that wages were too low, and said the extra money was a chance for workers to build up a cushion in case they remained unemployed after benefits expire.
    The federal government is offering interest-free loans to states that deplete their unemployment insurance trust funds, and 10 states have received them so far. But paying the U.S. back after a crisis can keep states from building up reserves. Pennsylvania just finished paying off its loans from the Great Recession.
    Hawaii is one state that is preserving part of the boost, increasing unemployment checks by $100 a week for the rest of the year. To pay for it, the tourism-dependent state is using nearly one-fifth of its main pot of federal coronavirus aid.
    Georgia is allowing people to earn more from part-time jobs while still receiving unemployment benefits. In most places, however, similar measures have not taken hold.
    The New Hampshire Legislature, controlled by Democrats, approved a bill to increase the maximum payment by $100 weekly, to $527. Republican Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed it, saying that some of the details could have jeopardized federal funding.
    In Arizona, Democrats have also pushed for adding $100 to the maximum weekly benefit of $240, but Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, deferred to Congress.
    Mulvihill reported from Cherry Hill, New Jersey; follow him at http://www.twitter.com/geoffmulvihill. Pritchard reported from Los Angeles; follow him at https://twitter.com/lalanewsman. Kolpack reported from Fargo, North Dakota; follow him at https://twitter.com/davekolpackap.
    Associated Press writers Bob Christie in Phoenix; Morgan Lee in Santa Fe, New Mexico; Audrey McAvoy in Honolulu; Jeff Amy in Atlanta; Gretchen Ehlke in Milwaukee; and Holly Ramer in Concord, New Hampshire, contributed to this report.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    12:34 AM No comments:
    China, Russia Opposed Appointing French Diplomat as Head of New UN Mission to Sudan
    July 22, 2020 (KHARTOUM) - Russia and China are blocking the appointment of a French diplomat at the head of a new political mission of the United Nation to support the democratic transition in the East African country.
    Jean Christophe Belliard (file photo)Jean Christophe Belliard, one of Africa’s longest-serving French diplomats and South African diplomat Nicholas Haysom who serves UN special envoy for Sudan are the candidates to lead the new United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS).
    Established on 4 June upon the request of the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok, the political mission will provide technical assistance to the Constitution drafting process, supporting the implementation of all human rights, equality, accountability and rule-of-law provisions in the Constitutional Document.
    Foreign Policy Magazine on Wednesday reported that Russia and China stand against Belliard’s appointment despite the support expressed by Hamdok for him.
    The French diplomat "was subsequently blocked by China and Russia, on the grounds that he potentially lacked the support of the Sudanese military," wrote the Washington based magazine.
    Last June s Sudanese officials confirmed to Sudan Tribune that Hamdok backs the French diplomat who until recently served as the Deputy Secretary-General at the European External Action Service because he supported the civilian government after its appointment in September 2019.
    Belliard led two EU assessment missions to Sudan to consider ways to support the Sudanese revolution. He successfully brought the attention of EU leaders to the east African nation and worked hard to push Brussels to support Hamdok government.
    Also, he was seen in Khartoum in a private visit with his family immediately after the Revolution visiting the pro-democracy sit-in before to be violently dispersed by the Sudanese military on 3 June 2019.
    EU leaders particularly Germany and France voiced their strong support to the civilian government in Sudan and pledged to provide the necessary help to achieve a successful transition.
    Hamdok was received by French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in Paris and Berlin.
    It is not clear how the Security Council will break this impasse but at least it will delay the operation of the UNITMAs as the head of mission should be appointed several months before to prepare the launch of the mission by January 2021.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    12:28 AM No comments:
    African Experts Support Sudan’s Proposal to Break Deadlock on GERD Filling
    July 20, 2020 (KHARTOUM) - Sudan’s irrigation minister said that the African Union experts have approved a proposal made by his country to break the deadlock in the talks over the first filling and operation of the Renaissance mega-dam.
    Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan agreed Tuesday to continue talks on the filling and operating of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) as they come close to an agreement on the key legal dispute preventing a compromise.
    The agreement on further talks was reached during a videoconference meeting on Tuesday organized by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa who is also the head of the African Union and attended by the presidents of Egypt, Kenya, Congo, and Mali as well as Ethiopian and Sudanese prime ministers.
    "The summit agreed to continue negotiation in the coming period to narrow the gaps on the remaining issues," said Sudan’s Irrigation Minister Yasir Abbas in a statement released on Tuesday after the meeting.
    Abbas further pointed out the African Union experts who presented a report to the meeting dealing with the legal and technical issues supported a Sudanese proposal on the main issue of dispute: the legal nature of the agreement.
    “The experts supported Sudan’s proposal to overcome this issue. (...) as it guarantees the right of Ethiopia to future development, whether it is building (new) dams or other projects, provided that they are implemented under international water law and after informing downstream countries (Sudan, Egypt) of future projects,” he stressed.
    The adoption of this proposal means delinking between future development (projects) and the agreement on the first filling and operation of the dam.
    Ethiopia refused to conclude a legally binding agreement on the filling and operation of the GERD saying it would obstruct future development projects on the Blue Nile.
    The Ethiopian government plans to build two more hydroelectric projects on the Blue Nile to cover its needs in power and to export it to the neighbouring countries.
    However, Egypt which depends entirely on the Nile river to secure its needs in water fears that these projects would further reduce the volume of water it receives every year.
    Posted by Pan-African News Wire at
    12:21 AM No comments:
    U.S. House Passes Bill to Support Sudan Transitional Government
    July 22, 2020 (KHARTOUM) - The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a bill aimed at providing support to the transitional government in Sudan.
    The ‘‘Sudan Democratic Transition, Accountability, and Fiscal Transparency Act of 2020’’ was initially introduced last March by the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Eliot Engel.
    A source told Sudan Tribune that a new version of the bill was was drafted this week to amend a section on multilateral financing and to add new items.
    The new bill was incorporated in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year 2021 which set budget levels for the US military.
    The new version of the Sudan bill calls on the US administration to support Sudan in international financial institutions to obtain aid needed to tackle COVID-19.
    The bill also stipulates that supporting debt relief for Sudan is subject to the appointment of a civilian figure to head the Sovereignty Council in addition to the legal requirement related to removing the East African nation from the US list of states that sponsor terrorism.
    Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok heads a civilian government formed last year under a power-sharing deal with the military after it ousted long-term leader Omer Hassan al-Bashir.
    The Sovereignty council which is equivalent to a ceremonial president is chaired by general Abdel-Fatah al-Burhan for the first half of the transitional period after which a civilian takes over from him.
    The bill also provides for repealing the Sudan Peace Act 2002 which was enacted after the intensification of the war between the Sudanese government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in the south of the country,
    The Comprehensive Sudan Peace Act of 2004, which included sanctions on Sudan and support for Darfur would also be repealed if the bill becomes law.
    An amendment was also made to the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006 to remove restrictions on US president in providing aid to Sudan.
    The NDAA will now have to be reconciled with another version in the Senate which does not include the Sudan bill. It is not clear if the bill will eventually make it to the final version of the NDAA.
    Sudan is lobbying the US administration & Congress to sign off on a settlement with families of the 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya & Tanzania to pave the way for removal from the list of terrorism states.
    Pan-African News Wire
    The Pan-African News Wire is an international electronic press service designed to foster intelligent discussion on the affairs of African people throughout the continent and the world. The press agency was founded in January of 1998 and has published thousands of articles and dispatches in newspapers, magazines, journals, research reports, blogs and websites throughout the world. The PANW represents the only daily international news source on pan-african and global affairs. PANW editor Abayomi Azikiwe is often solicited by various newspaper, radio and television stations for comment and analysis on local, national and world affairs. He has served as a political analyst for Press TV and RT worldwide satellite television news networks as well as other international media in the areas of African and world affairs. He has appeared on numerous television and radio networks including Press TV, RT, Al Jazeera, China Global Television Network, BBC, NPR, Radio Netherlands, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, South Africa Radio 786, Belgian Pirate Radio, TVC Nigeria and others.
    View my complete profile
    Pan-African News Wire
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    World News
    Order the latest book by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, by just clicking on the image above.
    Rebellion, Crises and Social Transformation: Lessons from the Detroit July 1967 Rebellion & Beyond
    Order this book by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, by just clicking on the image above.
    Notes on the World Socialist Movement: From the Soviet Union to the Bolivarian Revolution
    Order this book by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, by just clicking on the above image.
    Pan-Africanism, Gender Emancipation and the Meaning of Socialist Development
    Click on This Link To View African History Documentary
    Basil Davidson Hosts African History Series
    Historic St. Matthew's-St. Joseph's Episcopal Church, 8850 Woodward Ave. Between Holbrook & King, Noon-5:00pm
    17th Annual Detroit MLK Day Rally & March, Mon. Jan. 20, 2020
    Join us on Mon. Jan. 21, 2019 at our new location: Historic St. Matthews-St. Josephs Episcopal Church, 8850 Woodward Avenue
    16th Annual Detroit MLK Day Rally & March
    Rally at Central United Methodist Church, Noon-1:30pm, Woodward and East Adams, Downtown--March Begins at 1:45pm
    15th Annual Detroit Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rally & March, Mon. Jan. 15, 2018
    1:30 March thru downtown; end at St. John's Episcopal Woodward at Fisher Freeway
    14th Annual Detroit MLK Day Rally & March, Mon. Jan. 16, 2017, Noon at CUMC, Woodward at East Adams
    Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the 'March Against Fear' and the 'Chicago Freedom Movement' at Central United Methodist Church, Woodward Ave. at East Adams, Downtown
    13th Annual Detroit MLK Day Rally & March, Mon. Jan. 18, 2015, Noon-5:30pm
    Gather at Central United Methodist Church, Woodward at Adams Downtown at Noon, March at 1:30pm
    12th Annual Detroit MLK Day Rally & March, Mon. Jan. 19, 2015
    Pan-African News Wire editor is a regular columnist for News Ghana
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaks on African Affairs
    Paying Tribute to Fannie Lou Hamer and Freedom Summer
    Attend the Detroit MLK Day Rally & March, Monday January 20, 2014
    MECAWI Will Host the Event on Saturday, May 18, 2013, Noon-5:00om
    Africa & U.S. Imperialism Conference In Detroit
    Click on This Photo to Read About King Day in Downtown Detroit at Central United Methodist Church
    Detroit MLK Day Rally & March, Jan. 21, 2013, Noon
    Join the Rally & March on Monday, Jan. 16, 2012 at the Central United Methodist Church, Woodward & Adams at Noon
    Detroit 9th Annual MLK Day Rally & March
    The MLK Day Event Was Held at Central United Methodist Church Located Downtown on Woodward at Adams at Noon
    Detroit Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Rally & March Took Place on January 17, 2011
    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. CBC Massey Lectures, Nov. 1967, Part I
    Dr. King's Massey Lectures, Part II
    Dr. King's Massey Lectures, Part III
    Dr. King's Massey Lectures, Part IV
    Dr. King's Christmas Lecture, 1967, Massey Lectures, Part V
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Broadcast on CJAM, Windsor, Canada on MLK Day 2011
    The Historic Massey Lectures Delivered Over the CBC by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Nov. 1967
    Just Click on This Photo to Hear the Former SNCC Field Secretary's Address to Over 1,000 at Detroit MLK Day Rally
    Willie Mukasa Ricks Speaks at Detroit MLK Day Rally & March, Jan. 17, 2011
    This Event Was Held on January 18, 2010 at Central United Methodist Church
    Naome Debebe-Bogale of the Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC) Speaking at MLK Day in Detroit
    Speeches From the Detroit 2010 MLK Day Rally
    Watch Video of the Detroit MLK Day March
    Video Presentation of Detroit 2010 MLK Day Rally
    Click on Photo to Hear the Pan-African Journal: An Audio News Magazine for Sept. 24, 2017
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire Editor, Hosts Blog Talk Radio Program
    Commemorating the Establishment of the People's Committees
    Muammar Gaddafi Addresses Libya on National Television, March 2, 2011
    Muammar Gaddafi Address to the People of Libya on August 9, 2011
    Libyan Leader Plays Chess With Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
    The Imperialist War Against Libya
    Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Interview on Russia Today
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interviewed on the History and Character of the International Criminal Court by Final Call Correspondent Brian E. Muhammad Over The Sankofa Experience Radio Broadcast on June 29, 2011
    Muammar Gaddafi Addresses Libya, March 2, 2011, Part II
    Just Click on This Photo to Read the Reports
    Abayomi Azikiwe Articles Published by Journal of People, Peasants and Workers
    The Revolutionary Voice of Egypt
    Om Kolthoum of Egypt
    Om Kolthoum Singing Sirat El Hob
    Vintage Film of Om Kolthoum Concert
    Classic Film of Om Kolthoum in Cairo
    Om Kolthoum Concert Amal Hayaty, Part I
    Om Kolthoum Concert Amal Hayaty, Part II
    Rare Concert Film of Om Kolthoum
    Classic Film of Om Kolthoum at Cairo Concert
    More Concert Footage of Om Kolthom in Cairo
    Another Clip of Om Kolthoum Concert Footage
    Om Kolthoum With Baed Annak, Part I
    Om Kolthoum Singing Baed Annak, Part II
    Concert of Om Kolthoum Singing Baed Annak, Part III
    The Om Kolthoum Performing Live Baed Annak, Part IV
    Om Kolthoum Concert Featuring Baed Annak, Part V
    More From the Om Kolthoum Concert Baed Annak, Part VI
    Listen to the Music of Nasserite Egypt With Om Kolthoum
    Abayomi Azikiwe is the Editor of the Pan-African News Wire
    Click On To Watch Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking on the Kenya Election in 2017
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaks at Protest at the Auto Show, Jan. 9, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe Interview on Democracy NOW! During the USSF in Detroit
    PANW Editor Speaking at Dearborn Rally in Response to the Israeli Massacre of Solidarity Activists
    PANW Editor Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking on the Release of the Autopsy of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah
    Check Out Abayomi Azikiwe Discussing the Incident on Northwest Airline Flight 253 on Dec. 25, 2009
    MECAWI Rally Protesting the Assassination of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah on Nov. 5, 2009 in Detroit
    MECAWI Rally at the Detroit Federal Bldg., Part II
    Arab-American Outreach Condemns Assassination of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah
    Imam Luqman's Son, Omar Regan, Speaks on the Muslim Leader's Assassination
    Abayomi Azikiwe at the One Nation Anti-War Rally, October 2, 2010
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking at the Public Meeting on the US-NATO War Against Libya, August 27, 2011
    Pan-African News Wire Editor Speaks
    Detroit Activists Protest the Racist Tea Party Movement
    Just Click on This Photo to View the Anti Tea Party Protests in Clinton Township on April 11, 2010
    The PANW Editor Interviewed on CGTN on July 30 Zimbabwe Elections
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire, Speaking on the Zimbabwe Harmonized Elections
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    Click on Photo to View a Section of the Documentary "Black Skins, White Masks"
    The Legacy of Frantz Fanon Lives On In "The Wretched of the Earth"
    Click On This Link to View "Hommage Frantz Fanon"
    A Tribute to Frantz Fanon (1925-1961)
    Click on the Links Below to See Speeches From This Historic Event
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaks at the People's Summit That Was Held in Detroit, June 14-17, 2009
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking at the People's Summit on June 14, 2009
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking at the People's Summit, Part II
    Another Abayomi Azikiwe Address to the People's Summit, June 15, 2009
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking at the People's Summit, Part II, June 15, 2009
    People's Summit Speeches From June 2009
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    Mariam Makeba in Guinea-Conakry
    Mariam Makeba Speaks Before the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid in 1963
    Click on Here to View Miriam Makeba Singing Khawuleza in 1966
    Mariam Makeba Televsion Performance of Pata Pata
    Mariam Makeba in Rare Television Performance
    Mariam Makeba on French TV in 1970 Where She Talks About U.S. Banning
    Mariam Makeba Live Performance of African Convention Over Dutch TV
    Click on Here to Read a Profile by Kwame Nkrumah's Son, Gamal, On Mariam Makeba
    Miriam Makeba is Known as 'Mama Africa'
    This Meeting Was Held at the MECAWI Office, Detroit, 7:00pm
    Detroit Rallied to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, the MOVE 9 & All Political Prisoners, December 3
    Africa & World News Page
    Africa & World News Page
    African World News
    Africa Daily News Reports
    Africa Daily
    Click on This Link to View Abayomi Azikiwe Calling for Mass Protests Against Threats on Iran
    A Detroit Demonstration Protested Threats Against Iran on Aug. 1 at Hart Plaza, Downtown
    These Remarks Were Made on July 11 in New York City
    The Moratorium NOW! Coalition Calls for a Halt to All Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs
    Bail Out the People Movement Demonstration on Wall Street, April 4, 2009
    Just Click on Here to Watch Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking in Front of Bank of America on July 22, 2008
    Demonstration at Bank of America on Tuesday, July 22, 2008
    Watch Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Speaking at a Demonstration in the Financial District in Downtown Detroit on June 6, 2008
    Check Out Atty. Jerome Goldberg Voicing Support for a Moratorium on Foreclosures in Michigan at a Town Hall Meeting in Detroit, June 14, 2008
    Haitian Masses Launch Demonstrations and Rebellions in April, 2008
    Haitian People Respond to Rising Food Prices
    Just Click on This URL to View the Rebellions in Haiti in Response to Rising Food Prices and Other Consumer Goods
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking in An Interview on the Significance of the Barack Obama Presidency
    Just Click on This Photo to See Interview With Patrice Lumumba
    Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba (1925-1961) of the First Congo Republic, 1960
    Newsreel on the International Response to the Assassination of Patrice Lumumba
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    Vive Patrice Lumumba by the African Jazz Orchestra
    Dr. Nico Song Comono
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    African Fiesta Orchestra With Asala Malekoun
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    Listen to Dr. Nico and the African Fiesta Orchestra Composition Mira
    Beautiful Harmonies of Dr. Nico Kasanda and African Fiesta With Sasonado
    Listen to the Classic Sounds of Dr. Nico Kasanda With Limbisanga
    Dr. Nico Kasanda Studio Version of Kiri Kiri
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    Papa Wemba With La Vie Est Belle
    Papa Wemba and the Orchestre Viva La Musica Live With Ngonda
    Papa Wemba and Viva La Musica With Molokai
    Papa Wemba Live Performing Matebu
    Papa Wemba Live Doing Mere Superieure
    Listen to Beloti Viva La Musica
    Langa Langa Stars Live With Weke Weke
    Zaiko Langa Langa With Kuita
    Listen to the Classical African Music of Congo
    Kasanda Played With African Jazz and African Fiesta
    Dr. Nico Kasanda (1939-1985)
    Franco From a CD Cover
    Franco, 1938-1989, the Grand Master of Pan-African Music
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    Classic Sounds of TPOK Jazz With Sukola Motema Olinga
    Check Out This TPOK Jazz Song Entitled Lotambe
    Click on This Link to Hear TPOK Jazz Studio Version of Kateba
    Josky Kiambukuta With Bakokamwa
    Listen to Bamasta Bonana by Franco and TPOK Jazz
    Just Click on This Link to Hear Ye Baboyaka Ye From TPOK Jazz
    Listen to TPOK Jazz Orchestra Studio Version of Luka Mobali Moko
    Listen to TPOK Jazz Studio Recording of Boma L'Heure/Ngai Eleka
    Just Click on This Link to Hear Ledi by TPOK Jazz Orchestra
    Franco and TPOK Jazz Live Performing On Ne Vit Qu'Une Seule Fois
    Franco Plays Nakoma Mbanda Na Mama Ya Mobali Ngai
    TPOK Jazz With the Studio Version of Mabe Yo Mabe
    TPOK Jazz Live Performing Liyanzi Ekoti Ngai Na Motema
    TPOK Jazz Plays F.C. 105 du Gabon
    Franco and TPOK Jazz With Ilousse
    TPOK Jazz Orchestra Live Performing Mawe
    TPOK Jazz Orchestra Studio Version of Na Poni Kaka Yo Mayi Zo
    Franco & TPOK Jazz Live Version of Sala Lokola Luntadila
    Listen to TPOK Jazz Orchestra Studio Recording Mutambula Mpima
    Check Out TPOK Jazz With Navanda Bombada
    Watch TPOK Jazz Orchestra in Television Performance of Liberte
    The Beautiful Harmonies and Rhythms of TPOK Jazz Playing Comprehende Ngai
    Franco and TPOK Jazz Band Studio Version of Azwakate Azwi Lelo
    Another TPOK Jazz Tune Badjekate With Its Beautiful Harmonies
    Franco and the TPOK Jazz Orchestra Playing Lolaka
    Listen to Classic Sound of TPOK Jazz With Mamou
    Listen to the Classic Sound of TPOK Jazz Studio Recording Vyckina
    The Legendary TPOK Jazz Orchestra Recording Moseka
    TPOK Jazz Band Playing Osabote Ngai Jean-Jean
    Listen to the Classic Sounds of TPOK Jazz Doing Na Loba Loba Pamba Te
    Check Out Franco TPOK Jazz Playing Limbisa Ngai
    Franco TPOK With Mpo Na Nini Kaka Ngai
    TPOK Jazz Band Studio Recording of Assitu, Part I
    Franco and TPOK Jazz Orchestra Recording Na Komipesa Na Nini?
    Listen to TPOK Jazz Orchestra Recording of Layile
    The Classic Sounds of TPOK Jazz Band With Ida
    TPOK Jazz Band Song Called Je m'en fou de ton passe
    TPOK Jazz Band Studio Version of Bondowe
    TPOK Jazz Recording Nzete Esololaka Na Moto Te
    Another Franco Treasure Entitled Salima
    Listen to the Live Version of TPOK Jazz Band Performing Amour Viola
    Watch a Television Appearance of TPOK Jazz Orchestra Performing Bolingo Ya Moite Moite
    Classic Sounds of the TPOK Jazz Orchestra Doing Course au Pouvoir
    Listen to the Guitar Player on TPOK Jazz Band's Massi
    TPOK Jazz Band Playing Lisolo Ya Adamo Na Nzambe
    Check Out the TPOK Jazz Band Playing Tata Na Bebe
    Listen to the Classic Sounds of TPOK Jazz Orchrestra Recording Kamikaze
    Listen Carefully to the Franco Recording Melou
    Check Out TPOK Jazz Orchestra Classic Lembi
    Watch Franco and the TPOK Jazz Band Performing Ebala Ta Zaire in Ivory Coast
    Watch a Television Performance of Franco and TPOK Jazz Performing Toyebo Yo
    Watch Another TPOK Jazz Band Television Performance Entitled Asumani
    Listen to TPOK Jazz Recording C'est Dur la Vie d'une Femme Celibataire
    Listen to the TPOK Jazz Orchestra Recording of Cherce Une Maison a Louer Pour Moi, Cheri
    TPOK Jazz Band Recording K.S.K.
    Franco and His Orchestra TPOK Jazz Doing Bodutaka
    Franco TPOK Jazz Studio Version of Nakobala Mbwa, Part I
    Franco TPOK Jazz Orchestra With Nakobala Mbwa
    Listen to Josky Kiambukuta With Likambo Na Moto Te
    Johnny Bokelo Studio Recording of Sandoka
    Listen to Former TPOK Member Simaro Lutumba Recording Coeur Artificiel
    Franco TPOK Jazz Ochrestra Music
    Pan-African News Wire Covering the March 15 Action in Downtown Detroit
    MECAWI Demonstration Held Against the Fifth Anniversary of the Iraq Occupation on March 15
    Click Here for MECAWI Web Site
    View the March 15 Anti-War Demonstration in Detroit
    End the Occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine on March 15, Noon, Downtown Detroit
    Click on This URL to Read the Works of W.E.B. DuBois
    Read the Works of Pan-Africanist and Socialist Scholar/Activist W.E.B. DuBois
    The Conference Commemorated the 140th Birthday of W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963): Pictured Above With Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and Madame Fathia in 1963
    A Conference on Imperialism in Africa Was Held on Feb. 23, 2008 Sponsored by MECAWI
    PANW Editor Speaking at the Dr. Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History, April 5, 2008
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire Editor
    Hear Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking to National Conference on Repression, July 16, 2011
    Read and Listen to the Speeches of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X Interview on Chicago TV, Part I
    Malcolm X Interview on Chicago TV in 1963, Part II
    Malcolm X Interview In Chicago, 1963, Part III
    Malcolm X Appearance on Front Page Challenge on CBC Television, Jan. 1965, Part I
    Malcolm X on the Front Page Challenge, CBC TV, Jan. 1965, Part II
    El Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) Archives
    Enter This Site to Read "A Voice From the South," The Pioneering Work by Anna J. Cooper Published in 1892
    Anna Julia haywood Cooper, Educator, Activist & Historian
    Just Click on This Photo to Read This Collection on the Contributions of African-American Women
    Hallie Q. Brown (1859-1949) Author "Homespun Heroines & Other Women of Distinction"
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire, Feb. 22, 2015
    Abayomi Azikiwe Articles Reprinted On Global Research
    Just Click on This Site For a Guide to the Music of Jimi Hendrix
    Jimi Hendrix Experience in Paris, October 18, 1966
    Jimi Hendrix Experience Live TV Version of Hey Joe, Purple Haze, Marquee Club on March 2, 1967
    Jimi Hendrix Live in Ipswich, UK, April 1967, Filmed for French TV With Purple Haze
    Jimi Hendrix Experience Performing Wild Thing at Music Hall de Paris on May 11, 1967, French TV
    Jimi Hendrix Experience in Stockholm, Sweden, May 24,1967
    Jimi Hendrix Experience on the Beat, Beat, Beat German TV Show, 1967
    Jimi Hendrix Experience in London, England, Dec. 1967
    Jimi Hendrix Experience Fillmore East in NYC, Please Crawl Out Your Window, May 10, 1968
    Jimi Hendrix Experience on French Television, October 1967
    Jimi Hendrix Experience Live Performance of Dear Mr. Fantasy at SMU in Dallas, 1968
    Jimi Hendrix Experience at the New York Rock Festival, June 1968
    Jimi Hendrix and Buddy Guy Jam, 1968
    Jimi Hendrix Experience Live at Cobo Hall, Detroit, Nov. 30, 1968
    Jimi Hendrix Experience Concert in Stockholm, Sweden, Jan. 9, 1969
    Jimi Hendrix and Timothy Leary, Live & Let Live, Part I
    Jimi Hendrix and Timothy Leary With Live & Let Live, Part II
    Jimi Hendrix Experience on the Lulu Show, Jan. 1969
    Jimi Hendrix Experience in Toronto May 3, 1969
    Jimi Hendrix Experience Last Concert in Denver, June 29, 1969
    Visit This Site for a Film of Jimi Hendrix and Buddy Miles at the Newport Pop Festival, June 22, 1969
    Jimi Hendrix With Buddy Miles at the Newport Pop Festival, June 22, 1969, Part II
    Jimi Hendrix and John McLaughin
    Band of Gypsys Winter Festival for Peace, Jan. 28, 1970
    Band of Gypsys at the Fillmore East With Stepping Stone
    Jimi Hendrix Plays Machine Gun at the University of Oklahoma Field House, May 8, 1970
    Jimi Hendrix Live in Berlin, September 4, 1970
    Jimi Hendrix Interview on September 11, 1970 in London
    ABC News Report With Frank Reynolds on the Death of Jimi Hendrix, September 18, 1970
    Jimi Hendrix Was Murdered on September 18, 1970
    Jimi Hendrix is Considered the Greatest Guitarist of the 20th Century
    Arthur Lee Was a Pioneer in Popular Music During the 1960s With the Band LOVE; Photographed Here With Jimi Hendrix
    Arthur Lee (1945-2006) of LOVE
    LOVE on American Bandstand June 1966 With Message to Pretty
    Arthur Lee & LOVE on American Bandstand June 1966 With Little Red Book
    American Bandstand Questions for Arthur Lee
    LOVE With My Flash on You
    LOVE Live Recording of My Flash on You
    LOVE Studio Version of Softly to Me
    LOVE With I'll Be Following
    LOVE Studio Version of Seven and Seven Is
    LOVE Live Recording of Seven and Seven Is
    LOVE With She Comes in Colors
    LOVE With Alone Again Or
    Arthur and LOVE With Andmoreagain
    LOVE Recording Red Telephone
    Arthur Lee & LOVE With A House is Not a Motel
    Check Out Studio Recording of The Daily Planet by LOVE
    LOVE With Bummer in the Summer
    LOVE Recording You Set the Scene
    Arthur Lee and LOVE Short Film With Soundtrack of Your Mind & We Belong Together
    LOVE With August From Four Sail
    LOVE in Copenhagen March 1970 With Live Version of August
    LOVE Studio Version of I'm With You
    LOVE With Nothing
    LOVE With Singing Cowboy
    LOVE Studio Version of I Still Wonder From Out Here
    Love With Stand Out
    LOVE Recording Gather Round
    Arthur Lee & LOVE Recording Listen to My Song
    LOVE Live Version of Product of the Times at the Fillmore East, 9-21-1970
    Jimi Hendrix & LOVE Playing Ezy Rider
    Arthur Lee & LOVE With Jimi Hendrix in Jam Session, 1970
    Arthur Lee & Jimi Hendrix Together, 1970
    Arthur Lee With Midnight Sun From Black Beauty
    Arthur Lee Recording Looking Glass Looking At Me From Vindicator
    Arthur Lee Studio Version of Product of the Times
    LOVE With Later Version of Singing Cowboy
    Arthur Lee Later Version of Ezy Rider
    LOVE With Good Old Fashion Dream
    LOVE With Which Witch Is Which
    LOVE With Time Is Like A River
    LOVE Recordings With Arthur Lee
    Click on the Photo of Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters and Buddy Guy to See a Classic Blues Video
    Classic Blues Music on Video
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    Legendary Blues Man Son House
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    Look at This Film Clip of Howlin' Wolf Musical Biography
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    View Classic Blues Artists on Film
    Aretha Franklin From Detroit
    Aretha Franklin Pictured Performing at the Obama Inauguration on January 20, 2009
    Just Visit This Site to Learn More About Aretha Franklin
    Rev. C.L. Franklin, the Father of Aretha Franklin, in Rare Film Footage
    The New Bethel Incident of 1969 Recounted
    Aretha Franklin Live Singing Running Out of Fools, 1964
    Aretha Franklin With Baby I Love You, 1967
    The Original Piece of My Heart By Erma Franklin, 1967
    Aretha Franklin on Mike Douglas Show Performing Natural Woman, Dec. 1967
    Another Version of Baby I Love You
    Aretha Franklin on Mike Douglas Performing Chain of Fools, Dec. 1967
    Ain't No Way With Aretha Franklin and Family
    Watch This Video of Aretha Franklin on TV Singing "Dr. Feelgood" in 1968
    Watch This Video of Aretha Franklin Singing "I Never Loved A Man," From TV Special "Lady Soul" in 1968
    I Get the Sweetest Feeling, Erma Franklin
    Aretha Franklin is One of the Great Artists to Emerge During the 1960s. Click on Links Below
    Click on this site to read about John Coltrane
    A Tribute to John & Alice Coltrane
    Just Click on This Image and Watch The John Coltrane Quartet Playing "Alabama".
    John Coltrane Filmed in Studio Playing Alabama
    This Protest Was Held in Downtown Detroit
    Abayomi Azikiwe Covering the Demonstration in Solidarity With Palestinians in Gaza, January 8, 2009
    MECAWI/Congress of Arab American Organizations' Demonstration Against the Israeli Siege of Gaza, Palestine on January 8, 2009
    Click on Here to Visit the Official Bob Marley Web Site
    Bob Marley, the Reggae Legend, Advanced the Struggle for Pan-Africanism
    Bob Marley's 73rd Birthday was Feb. 6, 2018
    Click on Here to Read Granma International
    The Cuban Daily Newspaper Covering the World
    Enter Here to Read About the Life & Legacy of Assata Shakur
    Assata Shakur Speaks for the Liberation of the People
    Click on to Read About the International Campaign to Free Political Prisoners
    The Jericho Movement Calls For a General Amnesty for All US Political Prisoners
    Check Out This Site For the Black Panther Party Compiled Archives
    The Commemorative Archives of the Black Panther Party
    Just Click On This Photograph To View a Rare Filmed Interview With Black Panther Party Deputy Chairman in Illinois Fred Hampton (1948-1969)
    Watch Rare Fred Hampton Interview From 1969, Part II
    Minister of Information Eldridge Cleaver of the Black Panther Party, 1970 Film in Algeria
    Eldridge Cleaver on the Black Panther Party Ideology
    Eldridge Cleaver on William F. Buckley's Firing Line, 1968
    Eldridge Cleaver Speaks to Filmmaker on the Priorities of the BPP
    Stokely Carmichael in Chicago, 1966
    Stokely Carmichael Debates a Racist, Chicago 1966
    Stokely Carmichael Debates a Racist, Part II
    Stokely Carmichael Debates Racist, Part III
    Stokely Carmichael Debates a Racist, Part IV
    Stokely Carmichael Debates Racist, Part V
    Stokely Carmichael Speaks at Togaloo College in Mississippi on April 12, 1967
    Stokely Carmichael Calls for the Freedom of Huey P. Newton, Feb. 1968
    H. Rrap Brown Being Arrested in July 1967
    H. Rap Brown Speaking at Free Huey P. Newton Rally in Oakland California in Feb. 1968
    H. Rap Brown Interview With Gil Noble in New York, 1968
    H. Rap Brown Interview With Gil Noble in New York, Part II
    Angela Davis at UCLA, 1969-1970; Free the Soledad Brothers, Clip of Jonathan Jackson
    University of Calif.-Santa Barbara Rebellion Against Bank of America, Feb. 26, 1970
    Huey P. Newton Interview With William F. Buckley, Jan. 23, 1973
    Finally Got the News, DRUM/LRBW History
    Fred Hampton and the Black Panther Party Speaks
    Ruth Brown on 1950s Television Singing "Teardrops From My Eyes"
    Ruth Brown on Film Singing Hit Song "Mama" From the 1950s
    Ruth Brown on Film Singing "Oh What A Dream", 1950s Television
    Just Click on This Site to Read More About Ruth Brown
    Ruth Brown, Legendary Rhythm & Blues Artist, Actress, Joins the Ancestors
    Mamie Smith Recording of "Crazy Blues" Reputed to be the First Blues Record in 1920
    Mamie Smith Recording of "My Sportin' Man"
    Blues Pioneer Mamie Smith on Film Singing "Lord, Lord, Lord"
    Mamie Smith on Film With the Harlem Blues From 1935
    Mamie Smith on Film Singing "No Good Man"
    Bessie Smith on Film Performing "St. Louis Blues"
    Bessie Smith Singing "You've Got to Give Me Some" From 1928
    Bessie Smith Singing "I'm Wild About That Thing"
    Bessie Smith Recording Entitled "I Ain't Got Nobody
    Hear Bessie Smith Singing "Baby Won't You Please Come Home", With Photographs
    Blues Singer Ida Cox on Film Performing "Four Day Creep"
    Click on This Site to Read About the Pioneering Role of Women in Recorded Music
    The Legacy of Blues Women From Mamie Smith Forward
    Read Nkrumah and Other Writings on Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism
    Kwame Nkrumah: Pan-Africanist Founder of Modern Africa
    Panaf Books: The Publishing House of Kwame Nkrumah
    First Conference of Independent African States, Part I
    First Conference of Independent African States, April 1958, Part II
    First Conference of Independent African States, Part III
    Kwame Nkrumah at the All-African People's Conference, December 1958
    Brief Report on Independent Ghana Under Nkrumah
    Kwame Nkrumah's Vision of Pan-Africanism: The Volta Project
    Kwame Nkrumah Visits Nigeria Before Independence,1959
    Kwame Nkrumah Visit to Nigeria, 1959, Part II
    Kwame Nkrumah Visits Nigeria, 1959, Part III
    Abayomi Azikiwe Lecture on Kwame Nkrumah and the African Revolution, June 16, 2012, NYC
    Abayomi Azikiwe on Kwame Nkrumah and the African Revolution, Part II
    Abayomi Azikiwe on Kwame Nkrumah and the African Revolution, Part III
    Abayomi Azikiwe on Kwame Nkrumah and the African Revolution, Part IV
    Abayomi Azikiwe on Kwame Nkrumah and the African Revolution, Q and A
    The Bibliography of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah
    Meje 30 Has Made a Debut With Tsala Muana on Sikila
    Tsala Muana Classic Club Scene Video
    Check Out Meje 30
    Meje & Tsala Muana With Grand Petre Mere
    Meje & Tsala Muana With Delestage
    Meje 30 With Fimbu Ya Bakanja
    Tsala Muana Video Entitled Moyo
    Tsala Muana With Kapinga
    Emony With Tsala Muana
    Watch Tshala Muana Performing Mutuashi
    Check Out Tshala Muana Doing Nasi Na Bali
    Listen to Tshala Muana 4
    Tsala Muana Doing Multiprise
    Watch and Listen to Tshala Muana Performing "Menteur"
    Check Tshala Muana Doing Dekeba
    Watch and Listen to Tshala Muana in "Kalume"
    Check Out Tshala Muana on "Banda Yango"
    Listen to Tshala Muana Recorded Song "Tshibola"
    Listen to Tshala Muana Singing "Koumba"
    Mbilia Bel in Video Ndonge
    Mbilia Bel Kayembe
    Mbilia Bel With Nakei Nairobi
    Mbilia Bel Classic Tune Douceur
    Afrisa International Live Studio Performance of Loyenge
    Mbilia Bel With Sante
    Listen to Mbilia Bel Studio Version of Paka Wewe
    Afrisa International Version of the Song Shawuri Yako Featuring Mbilia Bel
    Mbilia Bel & Simaro Lutumba Video of Mobali Ya Bato
    M'bilia Bel Video Performance With Sam Mangwana
    M'bilia Bel Video Dilemma
    Congolese Artist M'bilia Bel Performing Zipa Zipa
    M'bilia Bel With Tweke on Video
    M'bilia Bel Video Performing Kekele
    Watch Mbilia Bel Performing "Naza"
    Check Out Mbilia Bel Performing "Welcome"
    See Mbilia Bel Doing Les Z'o'n-Dit
    View Early Mbilia Bel Live In Concert
    Mbilia Bel With Cadence Mudanda
    Check Out Mbilia Bel Performing Bellisimo
    Watch Mbilia Bel With Suzanna Owiyo Performing "Lo"
    Listen and Watch TPOK Jazz With Papanzinga Performing "Massu"
    Watch Abby Surya Performing "Bokila"
    Check Out Abby Surya Singing Delice Ya Bolingo
    Song and Interview With MJ 30 Repitition
    Barbara Kanam With Djarabi
    Listen to and Read About African Music From Traditional to Classical and Contemporary
    Pan-African Music From All Over the Continent
    Tshala Muana Is Another Great Congolese Pan-African Artist
    Women in the Forefront of Pan-African Music
    Electronic Funk From the 1970s & Beyond--Just Click On This Photo to See Sir Victor Uwaifo Band
    Classic Nigerian Music in the Electronic Age
    Check Out Prince Nico Mbarga Studio Recording of Aki
    Another Classic Tune Welcome From Rocafil Jazz With Prince Nico Mbarga
    Rocafil Jazz Recording Celibataire avec des enfants
    Listen to the Rocafil Jazz Band Playing Christiana
    TIlda & Rocafil Jazz International Covering Aki
    Tilda & Rocafil Jazz International Video Christiana
    Tilda & Rocafil Jazz International Video Sweet Mother
    Fela Kuti Was One of the Greatest Cultural Figures to Emerge From Africa During the 1970s
    Fela Kuti Documentary Part II
    Fela Kuti Documentary Part III
    Fela Kuti Documentary Part IV
    Fela Kuti Documentary Part V
    Fela Kuti Documentary Part VI
    Listen to the Classic Sounds of Music From Nigeria
    Abayomi Azikiwe Speaking in Detroit on May Day 2009
    Abayomi Azikiwe is Often Featured on Radio and Video
    Read Abayomi Azikiwe Articles Reprinted on AllAfrica.com
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire
    Read these articles from Pambazuka News
    Abayomi Azikiwe is the Editor of the Pan-African News Wire
    Abayomi Azikiwe poses for a photograph with students, staff and community people after a speaking engagement at Henry Ford College during Feb. 2015
    The Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice Was Formed in 2002 and Continues Today
    Click on the Above Photograph to Watch Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire
    Abayomi Azikiwe You Tube Channel
    Zimbabwe Herald Daily Newspaper
    Just Click on the Photo for News and Documents on the PAP
    Pan-African Parliament (PAP)
    International Campaign to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
    Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
    Established in 1921
    South African Communist Party
    African National Congress New Website
    African National Congress Stalwart Albertina Sisulu Centenary
    Vote ANC for 2019
    Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)
    South African Communist Party
    Links to the ANC, COSATU and South African Communist Party
    Founded in 2002, The AU is the Successor of the Organization of African Unity Formed in 1963
    The African Union represents 55-member states. Just Click on This Photo to View the AU Website
    The Pan-African News Wire editor is a consultant on African affairs and is utilized over this continental and worldwide satellite television network
    Abayomi Azikiwe is a Regular Guest on TVC Based in Lagos, Nigeria
    Click on This Photo To Watch Russia Today Satellite Television
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, On RT Satellite Television
    Abayomi Azikwe, PANW Editor, Interview Over RT on the Assassination of Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interview on RT Satellite TV on Libya, September 2, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Speaks on the Role of the US-backed Rebels in Libya, September 15, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Appeared on RT Televison Program CrossTalk on September 15, 2011, in a Debate on Syria
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Exposes Plot to Kill Gaddafi on October 18, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe Featured on RT Satellite World News Discussing the Situation in Occupied Libya on March 6, 2012
    Abayomi Azikiwe on RT Worldwide Satellite Television
    Press TV Provides a View of World News and Developments
    Just Click on This Photo to Watch PressTV
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire, Interview on Libya, March 29, 2011, Part I
    PANW Editor, Abayomi Azikiwe, Libya Interview on March 29, 2011, Part II
    Watch Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, on PressTV, March 30, 2011, Part I
    Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire on PressTV, March 30, 2011, Part II
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, April 24, 2011 Interview on Libyan Humanitarian Crisis
    PANW Editor, Abayomi Azikiwe, Press TV Interview on April 27, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interview on Press TV, June 11, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interviewed Press TV US Desk, June 18, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interview on Press TV, June 19, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interviewed on Press TV, June 25, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interview on Press TV, July 1, 2011
    Press TV Interview With Pan-African News Wire editor Abayomi Azikiwe on the East Africa Drought, July 14, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe on Press TV Discussing the Continuing Revolution in Egypt on July 15, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Interview on Press TV Dealing With Libya Bombing, July 17, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe on Press TV World News Speaking on the Drought and Famine and Its Impact on Kenya, August 14, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on Press TV News Analysis Discussing Egypt on August 20, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor on Press TV News Analysis Discussing Libya, August 23, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on Press TV News Analysis Discussing the UN Fading Role, September 21, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on Press TV News Analysis Discussing the Assassination of Col. Muammar Gaddafi on October 20, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on Press TV News Analysis Discussing the Military Violence in Egypt, November 25, 2011
    Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on Press TV News Analysis Discussing Racist Violence in the US, April 3, 2012
    PANW Editor, Abayomi Azikiwe, Featured on Press TV News Analysis Talking About the Politics Leading Up to Egyptian Elections, April 28, 2012
    Watch Interviews With Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan-African News Wire, on PressTV
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