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  • Women’s Ministry
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    Vision Statement
    WoMan to Woman centers on relationships between women, whether it is mother to daughter, sister to sister, or friend to friend.  Emphasis is also placed on wholesome interaction with the significant male counterparts in our lives.   It is strategically designed to touch, empower, include, involve, and encircle every woman of The Potter’s House.
    Since WoMan to Woman’s inception, First Lady Serita Jakes’ vision for the program has been for the women of The Potter’s House to become one.  It is her heart’s desire for the women to come together as a God-breathed organism of sisters, daughters, mothers, friends, and life-time legacy mentors who together will set an atmosphere of relational well-being.   It is a vision of unity where the prevailing countenance of feminine grace exudes a gentleness that is heralded as strength; where peace insists on reigning; a kind word is freely passed around; and love is expected to stretch to great lengths.  With a doctrinally sound and programmatic approach to ministry, WoMan to Woman seeks to not only meet every woman at the point of her need, but to strengthen her so that she may reach the point of her abundance.
    Every woman who is a member of The Potter’s House is automatically a member of WoMan to Woman.  She participates in WoMan to Woman by giving back to the church either financially or by volunteering her services in other ministries such as Ushers, Greeters, the Children’s Ministry, or another labor of love within The Potter’s House.
    WoMan to Woman offers quarterly forums where First Lady Jakes hosts prayer gatherings or where she, or other esteemed speakers, address topics such as relationships and health. Additionally, under the WoMan to Woman umbrella, there are two different ministries established to serve the women and young ladies of The Potter’s House.  They are The Debutante Program (Alumnae; Core and Junior Debutantes), and God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program.   The following pages give you a brief description of each of these ministries as well as the crowning delight of a Dream Team that serves as an anointed extension of First Lady Serita Jakes’ leadership. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalms133:1)
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    Debutante Program
    The Debutante Program was born out of the vision of Mrs. Serita Jakes that we continue our legacy by pouring into the next generation of leaders. Her desire is that our daughters be ushered into their promise by the wisdom, mentoring and life coaching we afford them in love. The Debutante Program is designed for girls ages 10-17 years of age (or high school senior.)
    The main pillars at the center of the program’s framework are:
     A strong spirit of awareness
     A spirit of excellence
     Chaste Behavior
     A sweet aroma of feminine behaviorThe Debutantes are chosen based on the following criteria:Achieve and maintain a B or higher academic standing; maintain a membership in good standing at a local church; demonstrate outstanding character, leadership, dependability, and service in school and/or the community.Trained mentors are assigned to work with the Debutantes and are required to present before them an exemplary lifestyle. Sessions in faith, etiquette, chastity, finances, and human relationships are addressed during the Debutante’s seven months of training. The end of their training culminates with a Royal Cotillion.
    Visit website at
    Download(s): Debutante Brochure
    Debutante Alumnae Program
    The Debutante Alumnae Program is an extension of the Core Debutante Program and was designed to provide a continuum of personal relationship and learning for the Debutantes that have and will graduate from the Debutante Program.
    In addition to focusing on higher order thinking and life skills, the program provides focus in the area of self-awareness and personal productivity. The pursuit of success and higher education institutions is also a key area of focus. Curriculum spans activities that prepare the Debutante for college; teach them how to survive the transition from college to the world of work; and examines the many decisions that surround the pursuit of graduate level education. Alumnae Debutantes are also trained as “big sisters” and peer mentors to the Core Debutantes.
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    God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program (G.L.L.)
    A widely celebrated program, GLL offers a challenging 3-month curriculum. This program of enriched study and life application, encourages women to stretch beyond their borders and move into their purpose and the spiritual fulfillment of who they were created to be.
    Derived from the bestselling book of the same name, by Bishop T. D. Jakes, the program was started in 2003 by Mrs. Serita Jakes. Since its inception, GLL has grown from one chapter at The Potter’s House of Dallas, to several chapters nationwide and around globe; and has continued to expand through the GLL Online eLearning Course. To date, thousands of women have successfully completed GLL. Weekend writers and fledging entrepreneurs have become published authors and business owners, while others have found their balance in career demands and relational needs. Many have been empowered to reclaim their good name and establish their financial credibility.
    With the collaboration of inspirational and visionary teachers, mentors, and life coaches, God’s Leading Ladies enter into an unparalleled dimension. The program consists of 52 hours of classroom instruction, and 20 hours of community service. Practicums and out-of-class assignments round out a rich classroom learning experience. The students explore such topics such as:
     Through the Eyes of A Visionary (Purpose & Planning)
     Being In Relationship with Life (Personal & Professional)
     A Balance of Power (Body, Soul, & Spirit)
     A Lifestyle of Leadership (Going First & Staying the Course)
     A Credible Lifestyle (Financial Accountability)
     A Healthy Life (Physical Fitness & Healthy Life)
     The Fine Art of Presentation (Projection, Influence, & Impact)
     The Final Touch (Words of Wisdom & Love)
    For more information about the God’s Leading Ladies Life Enrichment Program, please visit www.godsleadingladies.com
    Registration and Class Information Coming Soon!
    You Are Not Alone…
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    Immediate Help Dial 911
    National/Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-799-72331-800-787-3224(TTY)
    Emergency Numbers
    Brighter Tomorrows Women’s Shelter
    Crossroads Transitional Housing Shelter
    Family Place Shelter
    Genesis Women’s Shelter
    Hope’s Door Women’s Shelter
    New Beginnings Women’s Shelter
    Nexsus Substance Abuse Recovery Center
    Reconciliation Outreach (Refuge Shelter)
    Salvation Army Shelter (Arlington)
    Non-Emergency Numbers
    Dallas Bar Association (Referral to find an Attorney)
     Dallas District Attorney (Protective Orders)
    Helpful Links
    Men Against Domestic Violence
    Domestic Violence Page
    National Domestic Violence
    National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
    National Child Abuse Hotline (ChildHelp)
    Child Welfare Information Gateway
    Commission on Domestic Violence
    Health Gazette
    Contact the WoMan to Woman office for more information (214) 623-4102 or email womantowoman@tdjakes.org
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