• T.D. Jakes wants to create a $100M foundation to connect people with means with people in need
  • T.D. Jakes wants to create a $100M foundation to connect people with means with people in need
    Bishop’s new nonprofit will focus on STEAM education, business partnerships and work training in underserved communities.
    Bishop T.D. Jakes, who started The Potter's House in southern Dallas in 1996, is creating a nonprofit foundation to promote education, job training and collaborations with business. (Tom Fox / Staff Photographer)
    By Mitchell Schnurman
    12:01 PM on Jan 28, 2020
    Bishop T.D. Jakes, a prominent faith leader with a megachurch in southern Dallas and a global reach, wants to raise $100 million for a nonprofit foundation to improve education, workforce preparedness and job training.
    The T.D. Jakes Foundation, officially announced on Tuesday, will build on Jakes’ decades of work in the Dallas community. That includes starting The Potter’s House ,
    collaborating with high-profile CEOs and creating a program to help former inmates enter the workforce.
    “The foundation will provide a bridge between those who have the resources and those people who have the need,” Jakes said in an interview with The Dallas Morning News.
    The effort will target working adults as well as students. It will create partnerships with businesses and support training programs in jobs, technology and life skills, such as financial literacy.
    The foundation has raised less than $10 million so far, Jakes said. That includes contributions from Ben Horowitz , a well-known venture capitalist in Silicon Valley, and others whom he said he would identify at a later time.
    He acknowledged that dozens of private foundations with over $100 million in assets are already operating in Dallas-Fort Worth and statewide. Many are devoted to boosting education and helping struggling families in underserved communities.
    “What separates the T.D. Jakes Foundation from other well-meaning foundations?” he asked. Others “can pick up the phone and raise the money — but cannot pick up the phone and call the people who need it. I can do both.”
    The need for more investment in inner-city neighborhoods is apparent, he insisted. African-Americans and Hispanics have higher rates of unemployment and lower pay than whites, according to government data and independent studies.
    Advances in artificial intelligence and technology will deepen those disparities, he believes. The best way to counter the trend is to attract more people of color to science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics, a combination often referred to as the STEAM fields.
    Such progress would also reduce the epidemic of violence in many cities, including Dallas, he said.
    “If you have to go to work in the morning, you’re not hanging out on the streets at night with a gun,” Jakes said. “So many problems we have — whether we want to admit it or not — come back to the lack of opportunity. There’s a feeling of hopelessness and despair that exists in the underserved areas.”
    Elected officials and others have pushed to improve public education, and minorities have made notable gains in high school graduation rates and college enrollment. But that has not translated into enough middle-class jobs to close income gaps with white workers.
    Blacks and Hispanics have fewer “good jobs” than whites, even when they have a similar education, according to a recent study by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce.
    When workers of color land a good job, they’re paid less on average than whites — about $10,000 less annually for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher, the study found.
    Local research by the Commit Partnership, an advocacy group focused on education, echoes those national results. Among 25- to 34-year-olds in Dallas County, roughly 1 in 3 whites with at least an associate’s degree was earning at least $50,000 in 2017.
    That compares with 1 in 10 blacks and 1 in 20 Hispanics, Commit said.
    One reason for such differences is that black and Hispanic workers (and women, too) are under-represented in fast-growing, high-paying STEAM professions. Jakes pointed to
    reports from the Pew Research Center that illuminate the gaps.
    Blacks accounted for 11% of all jobs but just 5% of jobs in engineering, Pew said. Hispanics held 16% of all jobs and just 8% of those in engineering.
    “This has to be more than a black and brown problem; it has to be an American problem,” Jakes said. “If I can just get the people in the room, even if they start by driving a truck. You can’t climb the ladder if you’re not near the steps.”
    In 1996, Jakes founded The Potter’s House in southwest Dallas. The church has grown to over 30,000 members and has campuses in Fort Worth, Frisco and Denver. Jakes has
    made the cover of Time magazine and advised three presidents, according to his website . He spoke at President Barack Obama’s inauguration.
    If he gets behind a project, that’s meaningful, said Dale Petroskey , CEO of the Dallas Regional Chamber.
    “When Bishop Jakes puts his stamp on something, the nation and the world take notice,” Petroskey said in a statement. “His new foundation will help us address critical issues that business leaders in the Dallas region recognize as top priorities, including workforce readiness, diversity and inclusion, and STEAM education.”
    Jakes founded the Texas Offenders Re-entry Initiative to help former inmates land jobs after prison. About 23,000 people have been helped, including some who went to work at Dallas-based AT&T.
    Last year, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson shared a public stage with Jakes and urged others to step up and hire such candidates.
    “You’ve got to be part of the solution,” Stephenson told about 900 people, including executives from business, government agencies and nonprofits.
    Hattie Hill , named CEO of the Jakes foundation, is also a member of the Dallas chamber’s board of directors. That gives her a bigger view and network in addressing challenges and opportunities.
    “Dallas is a better city when it’s a more inclusive city, so the timing is right to do this,” said Hill, who’s championed gender equity in several roles.
    Jakes, chairman of the foundation, has written many books, hosted talk shows and contributed to films. He and The Potter’s House also have a huge reach via social media and the internet — “over 20 million people in all our venues,” Jakes said.
    The foundation will be distinct from the church, he added. And it’s needed because his successors at The Potter’s House may not be as concerned about the same issues.
    “It’s a legacy piece to some degree,” said Jakes, who’s 62 and confident that he can get a strong return on donors’ investment.
    “I don’t have $100 million but Dallas does,” Jakes said. “Give it to me and see what we can do with it in 20 years.”
    Race still matters: Why white workers keep getting more of the good jobs
    After nudge from T.D. Jakes, AT&T CEO hires formerly incarcerated and urges employers to 'step up'
    After nudge from T.D. Jakes, AT&T CEO hires formerly incarcerated and urges employers to 'step up'
    The Potter’s House is launching an online divinity school for laypeople
    Mitchell Schnurman , Business columnist. He covers a wide range of topics.
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