commandment in the law? Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind. “
Mat 22.36-37
The most important
What is the most important thing, we can do for God?
Is going to church important? It is. Is our prayer important? It is. Is doing good important? It is. However, the most important act we can do for God, is to love him with all our heart, soul and thought.
Nothing is more important than that. Why? Because Jesus himself said so! Can somebody go to the church, pray, be a generally good person and still do not love God? Yes it is possible. Actually, it is quite common, because it is all about our motives, which are behind of what we do.
We have to ask ourselves, why we do those things (if we do them), because God knows all the secrets of our heart and true motives.
Examine your heart, and ask God to help you discover your deeply hidden thoughts. Be honest with God, and he will reveal to you, secrets of your own heart!
He will help you to love Him more!
#6 Guest 2015-03-20 05:16
To always stay on his path and if we may stray away to always know he is here to pick us up and hold us in his arms.
#5 Guest 2015-03-13 07:11
God bless you! This is very helpful and extremely useful to me. Praise God! I asked for wisdom and knowledge and RECEIVED it through this website. I am a Catholic from the Philippines, seeking to be closer to God and asking for more spiritual blessings specially this Lenten season. Thank you Lord for finding the answers.
#4 Guest 2015-03-05 13:26
Be the best person you can be under his guidance y
#3 Guest 2015-02-18 02:09
#2 Guest 2015-02-17 23:11
As the lost of my husband of 26.yrs.and the hardship of finance and much suffering and crying.Ido littery feel and no that god is with me.still kkeeping my fath which gets so lo at times.but still holding on to my lord and savors he's hand maddein. That thinking and prashing him and giving him all the glory. But it may be strange to some butnoen he is hear walking the earth and watching all us and may be judging us as a human race as a man.he is hear now.
#1 Guest 2015-02-17 23:00
The breast thing that I can that I am finding it soo hard being a widow of 2yrs and 6months of been married most of my life of 26 yes very hard but after much crying I am holding on during this hard finachel times that I am going through and some what lonely ness.but I no that my lord and savor is with I noe that this my be strange to most to believe but as a real man amen
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