• Living Faith writers
  • Kristin Armstrong:
    Kristin Armstrong is the author of seven books including Happily Ever After, Strength for the Climb, Heart of my Heart, and Ties that Bind . She is also a freelance writer, a speaker, and teaches classes at her church. She is the mother of three teenage children and lives in Austin, Texas..
    Father James Stephen Behrens, O.C.S.O.:
    Father James Stephen Behrens is a Cistercian monk of the Strict Observance (Trappist) and has been at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, Georgia for 22 years. Prior to that he served as a diocesan priest in the Archdiocese of Newark, N.J. for 20 years. He was ordained a priest in 1974. He is the author of several books and has written for many Catholic publications.
    Jennifer Christ: Jennifer Christ is a spiritual director, retreat leader and instructor in diaconate formation in Milwaukee, WI. Her books Journeying with Matthew , Journeying with Mark ,
    Journeying with Luke are published by Paulist Press. Jennifer is married, the mother of four adult children and a grandmother.
    Elizabeth Duffy:
    Elizabeth Duffy is a regular contributor to Living Faith and to Image Journal's Good Letters Blog . Her essays have been published by Our Sunday Visitor, On Faith (at Faithstreet.com/onfaith ) The Catholic Educator, Image Journal, Mind and Spirit, and Aleteia. She has written a column and blog for Patheos.com and her personal blog is http://bettyduffy.blogspot.com/ .
    Miguel Dulick:
    Miguel Dulick retired from high school teaching in 2003 and moved to Honduras, Central America, to live and pray with the poor, who have been gracious enough to welcome him in the mountain village of Las Vegas.
    Phil Fox Rose:
    Phil Fox Rose is the editor of Paraclete Press. Based in Brooklyn, NY, he has written for Patheos, Busted Halo , Washington Post's On Faith, Loyola Press 3-Minute Retreats and other outlets.
    Steve Givens:
    Steve Givens is a widely published writer on Christian spirituality, a spiritual director and retreat facilitator and a composer and singer. He has been a regular contributor to Living Faith since 1988. You can read his blog at:
    www.givenscreative.com .
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    Gail Goleas:
    Gail Goleas is a pastoral associate in the Archdiocese of Chicago and serves as a field delegate for its marriage tribunal. She is also a federal prison volunteer for Prisoner Visitation and Support, a national organization.
    Father Kenneth Grabner, C.S.C.:
    Father Kenneth Grabner is a Holy Cross priest who has directed Mission Effectiveness programs for several hospitals and has taught theology at the University of Notre Dame. He is presently a chaplain at Holy Cross Village at Notre Dame, and is the author of several books.
    Sr. Bridget Haase, O.S.U.:
    Ursuline Sister Bridget Haase, former missionary to Africa, Appalachia and Mexico, is the author of Generous Faith: Stories to Inspire Abundant Living Doors the Sacred: Everyday Events as Hints of the Holy. She leads retreats and parish missions nationwide and ministers as Sr. Storyteller to 3-4 year olds. Visit
    Terence Hegarty:
    Terence Hegarty is editor of Living Faith . He has been in Catholic media for more than 15 years. He and his wife live in Springfield, Massachusetts where they have raised their five children. They are now experiencing the joy of being grandparents.
    Claire King:
    Claire King is a K-16 educator and youth advocate. She teaches college-age youth in New York City and is convinced that God so loves the world and that Jesus shows us how to be transformed by love.
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    Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, I.H.M.:
    Chris Koellhoffer, a Sister, Servant of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is an author and spiritual guide who offers retreats and presentations nationally and internationally. Visit
    www.chriskoellhofferihm.org for her blog and to learn more about her mobile spirituality ministry.
    Patricia Livingston:
    Patricia Livingston is a well known speaker, author and retreat director. A wife, mother and grandmother of nine, she lives in Tampa, Florida.
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    Karla Manternach:
    Karla Manternach is a freelance writer for Catholic educational and devotional publications. She is also the author of a middle grade novel, Meena Meets her Match. It comes out in the spring of 2019 with a sequel scheduled to be released the following year. Karla holds a B.A. in Classical Studies as well as an M.A. in Theology. She is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. She lives with her family in small-town Wisconsin.
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    Mary Marrocco:
    Mary Marrocco is a laywoman and author. She is a psychotherapist, co-founder of St. Macrina Counselling Services and is a theology professor. Mary is founder and director of St. Mary of Egypt Refuge, a countryside place of hospitality for those in need. The refuge also helps facilitate Project Rachel at its site. For more information, log on to
    http://stmarysrefuge.org/ .
    Fr. James McKarns:
    Fr. James McKarns is a retired pastor and author of books on Scripture, homiletics and self-help.
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    Deborah Meister:
    Deborah Meister holds graduate degrees in theology and literature, with Pastoral Ministry and Director of Religious Education certifications. She is a former editor of Living Faith, and works as an author, editor and educator. Together with her husband, Deacon Bill, they have lived in eight dioceses. They have two adult daughters and three grandsons.
    Terri Mifek:
    Terri Mifek is a certified spiritual director and retreat leader. She enjoys traveling, reading and hiking as well as watching her seven grandchildren grow.
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    Aileen O'Donoghue:
    Aileen O'Donoghue is an astronomer, associate professor of physics at Saint Lawrence University in Canton, New York and the author of The Sky Is Not A Ceiling (Orbis Books).
    Father Martin Pable, O.F.M. Cap.:
    Father Martin Pable is a Capuchin friar living in Milwaukee. He is a noted retreat/spiritual director. He has written a number of books including Remaining Catholic: Six Good Reasons for Staying in an Imperfect Church and What Catholics Believe and Why .
    Paul Pennick:
    Paul Pennick is a former editor of Living Faith . He is retired and continues to write for Living Faith and Living Faith Kids.
    Melanie Rigney:
    Melanie Rigney
    (www.melanierigney.com) thanks God every day for her return to Catholicism in 2005 after 33 years away. She is the author of two books about women saints,
    Blessed Are You: Inspiration from Our Sisters in Faith and Sisterhood of Saints: Daily Guidance and Inspiration (both Franciscan Media).
    Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti:
    Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, Ph.D. DMin, is a priest of the Diocese of Syracuse. He is an author and licensed psychologist. He is President Emeritus of Saint Luke Institute. He teaches at The Catholic University in Washington, D.C. and the Gregorian University in Rome.
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    Sr. Joyce Rupp, O.S.M.:
    Sr. Joyce Rupp, a Servite sister, is the author of numerous best-selling books on spiritual growth, an international conference speaker, retreat leader and spiritual director. To register for her free, monthly online newsletter, visit
    www.joycerupp.com .
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    Judy Schueneman:
    After raising six children, Judy Schueneman served for 22 years in ministry in the Catholic Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, where she was commissioned a Lay Pastoral Minister and earned an MA in Pastoral Family Studies from the College of Mount St. Joseph. Now retired, she is posting a daily blog on Facebook entitled 'An Everyday Saint.'
    Sister Melannie Svoboda, S.N.D.:
    Sister Melannie Svoboda, S.N.D., is a Sister of Notre Dame of Chardon, OH, who gives talks and retreats nationally. Her books include Everyday Epiphanies
    and When the Rain Speaks. Visit her blog �Sunflower Seeds� at
    www.melanniesvobodasnd.org .
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    Sr. Julia Walsh, F.S.P.A.:
    Living in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Julia Walsh is a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration, a Catholic youth minister, a committed social justice activist and a student at Catholic Theological Union. Her award-winning writing has appeared in America Magazine , Global Sisters Report , Living Faith , and PILGRIM Journal . Visit her online at messyjesusbusiness.com and @juliafspa on Twitter.
    Amy Welborn:
    Amy Welborn is a freelance writer living in Birmingham, Alabama, who has written many books on various elements of Catholic life: spirituality, saints and history.
    Sr. Macrina Wiederkehr, O.S.B.:
    Sister Macrina Wiederkehr, OSB is well known for her creative writing and retreat ministry. She is a Benedictine Sister of St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, Arkansas. She is the author of eight popular books on prayer and spirituality and is a regular contributor to Living Faith . Her tri-monthly scripture column titled, R omancing the Word, forms the core of her latest book, Abide: Keeping Vigil with the Word of God . Visit her website at macrinawiederkehr.com .

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