• Leader in Christian

  • Christian Leader must know
    On what level do you love all? - You holding a cup or a gallon?
    One of the big tests is the one that is tied to your childhood scar. The issue of wanting to be acknowledged and heard, wanting to be always upfront but never goes heard by people. Some of us are not self reflective of our own mechanisms. Some examine all others but themselves. They are prophets without a mirror. They can see everywhere but themselves. Unless you SEE and EXAMINE yourself, you are not ready to serve. It’s a dangerous thing to be a prophet who does not have a mirror .
    It’s your mirror who keeps you balanced. It’s your mirror who keeps you humble. It’s your mirror that makes you speak the truth in love. Its dangerous raising prophets without a mirror. If you raise otherwise, you will look yourself into the mirror and consider your brother or else you will attack him.
    Joseph wept when he met his brothers in spite of them betraying him. He missed and loved the people who betrayed him. What level do you love all? Love has different levels and capacities. When someone says “I love you” and you say “I love you” back, it doesn't mean the same thing. Either you are holding a cup or they are holding a gallon, or vice versa . If you are a gallon man and marry a cup woman, you will be miserable the entire marriage not because you don’t love each other, but because you don’t have the same capacity. You must be equally yoked. David, Joseph, Jesus loved on a level that is mind blowing.
    Dysfunctional or not, can you love somebody who is messed up or not? If are not able to, you are not fit to be a leader/shepherd. It’s like a doctor who doesn't like sick folks. There are people who love the crowd but dislike/hate the people.
    Often when you have the heart to love on that(greater) level, you tend to hate your heart because to love on that level makes you vulnerable. It is because you have a gallon capacity and a cup world. out there You will feel like a sheep among the wolves and often feel that it’s your weakness where in it is your greatest God given strength. Do not despise it or don’t allow others to make you despise it. That’s the reason why God had chosen you. He picked you not because of your skill but because of your heart, since you cannot stand staying mad at people, but still have a heart to help those who did you wrong. God sends such people as a shepherd after God’s own heart.
    It’s the character of a champion to cherish, forgive and love on people even when they don’t respond back the same way; and if you have that character even if people hate, dishonor, curse and try to destroy you, you’ll rise up again and they will never understand how and why, because they themselves lack the heart to understand your heart. Because they do not discern you to be part of the Christ’s Body, they will be cursed with the curse of not discerning Christ’s body, for God is the God who chooses whoever He wills. Until you have the character of a champion, you will never ride behind kings, or walk with princes, or control great wealth or have wide influence over people because God cannot trust you to a position of influence. If you refuse to humble yourself before God, He will raise up someone else who might be less talented, or have less scriptural knowledge, or less skillful and raise him up and you will be hater of the one that rose up.
    God longs for your heart not your head. He wants you to work on your heart. You have to remember from where God brought you out from and where He is taking you to and that He is still working on you. Joseph had more advantage than he needed. He had enough advantage to fill up the coffer of all his brethren. He had the blessings of other people put in his hands because God could trust him not be selfish.
    If God can trust you, He will put other people’s millions in your hand because He knows you are not so selfish that you would take it into your own hands and use for your own purpose. And if God trust you, He can make your house a house of dispensing and people will come to you and you will loan and not borrow. And he will make you a bank that will devise the financial systems of nations because God can trust you. If God can trust you with bruises of other people’s hearts, He can trust you with the wealth of the world.
    God is waiting for us to tap into His treasure.
    Posted 28th September 2012 by

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