• Get Your Internet Evangelism
  • Groove On
    TWITTER /
    This is a guest post by Greg Holt. You can connect with him on Twitter here.
    So you’ve decided you want to be an Internet evangelist, now what do you do? Where do you begin, what do you do first?
    You may be asking yourself, “What is available to help me evangelize online?”
    I’m so glad you asked! Let’s see if we can come up with some answers!
    Here are 6 things that you could be doing right now in order to tell others about Jesus using the Internet or social media:
    1) Re-tweet Other Evangelistic Tweets
    First off, I’ll start with the easiest way (if you only re-tweet) to evangelize on Twitter. Twitter is a great resource as more and more people are flocking to this social network.
    By the way, if you don’t have a Twitter account yet, you can sign up for one
    here .
    The easiest way to participate on Twitter as far as evangelism is concerned is to simply re-tweet what others have already tweeted!
    So you might be asking, “How do I find tweets to re-tweet?”
    This is simple to do: locate the search box in the top middle-right corner of your Twitter page, and type in a hashtag.
    What’s a hashtag, you ask?
    Hashtags are made up of either one or more words, with no spaces in between them, and they are preceded by the # sign.
    They’re used to categorize and group tweets together. All tweets with a particular hashtag in them will show up when you search for it using the search box.
    For example, if you were to do a search on the hashtag #Jesus, you would then see all tweets that had #Jesus as part of their tweet.
    2) Tweet Evangelistic Tweets When Something is Trending
    This is yet another way to effectively use Twitter for evangelization. This one however requires a little work to be effective.
    On the lower left corner of your Discover page, you’ll see worldwide trends, or United States trends, or something else depending on where you’re located.
    You can change what trends you see by clicking “change” .
    Whatever is trending on Twitter means that it is popular at that very moment. Use these trends to post your tweets as a way of getting the word out to more people and to get more exposure.
    For example, a recent trend was #20FactsAboutMe . I used this in a Tweet this way:
    #20FactsAboutMe I love Jesus, do you? #WPFTL #WTLA
    The trick is to tweet something that fits with whatever trending hashtag you are using. Be clever and creative, and have fun!
    3) Participate in the Twitter Blitz for Jesus
    Another way to use Twitter to evangelize is to participate in the Twitter Blitz for Jesus.
    The brainchild of Ron Estrada on Twitter, the Twitter Blitz for Jesus is simply tweeting about Jesus and using a hashtag dedicated to this group of people.
    The hashtag used for our group of Jesus Tweeters is #WPFTL (we pray for the lost). Tweet (help spread the word about this group)
    We who are involved in this also re-tweet any tweets that have this hashtag included in them.
    For better explanation of the Twitter Blitz for Jesus, please visit John Constitution’s page, Online Evangelism 101.
    John is a great friend and an active member in the community here at Not Ashamed of the Gospel.
    4) Use the Power of Blogging to Unleash the Gospel
    Blogging is a great way to get the word out about Jesus.
    Blog sites are relatively easy to set up if you have any experience with computers and the Internet. They’re also highly customizable to suit your needs.
    You can write articles, post pictures, and include videos too.
    The downside of blogging is that it usually takes a long time to establish a following, which means it takes a long time to become known.
    If you still don’t have a blog yet, you may want to consider these top three choices to get you started:
    1. WordPress
    2. Blogger/BlogSpot
    3. LiveJournal
    5) Become a Guest Blogger on Other People’s Blogs
    Guest blogging is a great way to evangelize as well. If you can find someone who has an already established site, ask if you can do a guest post for him or her.
    It’s important to note that as Christians, we’re not in competition with one another. Tweet (help spread this truth)
    In order to effectively evangelize, people need to know you exist!
    If you blog, make sure you share your posts on social media outlets.  Don’t feel shy to share your blog posts on Facebook and Twitter.
     6) Create Videos to Reach the World
    Another great resource for you to use is YouTube.
    Do you have a good speaking voice? Not afraid of the camera?
    Then write some great material, record it, and then upload it to YouTube!
    Again, post what you are doing on Facebook and Twitter.
    Key Takeaway
    However you choose to evangelize online, remember to be involved on a regular basis.
    This is important as it helps you build a good reputation and also helps people to trust you.
    If people ask questions of you, answer them politely to the best of your ability.
    And don’t forget that there’s always help in the online Christian community.
    If you’d like some evangelism training that you can use on and offline, then check out The Way of the Master.
    What’s your take on Internet evangelism? I’d love to hear your thoughts
    Pingback: Guest post on Not Ashamed of the Gospel | Believing God Today
    Pingback: 6 Great Ways to Get Your Online Evangelism Groove On | Christians Following Jesus
    Pingback: Personal Evangelism with Family and Friends | Cataclysm Missions, Intl.
    Pingback: Personal Evangelism with Family and Friends (CMI Reblog) | This Thing Called Life . . .
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    Comments 28
    Kurt Bennett
    JULY 3, 2012 AT 1:32 PM
    It’s a mind blowing opportunity we have today, to share Christ with anyone in the world who has internet access.
    Great post!
    Reply 
    Peter Guirguis
    JULY 3, 2012 AT 1:34 PM
    Amen to that Kurt!
    Reply 
    JULY 3, 2012 AT 6:43 PM
    @facebook-100002411746 Thank you Kurt! There is so much available on the net to reach people…I love it! Thanks for commenting.
    Reply 
    John Constitution
    JULY 4, 2012 AT 5:32 PM
    I feel embarrassed now. I read this post when it was first posted, and because I was so busy with work, did not even realize that this was your guest post, Greg. Sorry!
    I like to combine 2 and 3 when possible, tweeting to trending hashtags, and including the #WPFTL hashtag with them so we can get several people retweeting to the trending tag as well.
    One thing I always find difficult, itis hard keeping tweets short, but the shorter they are, the longer retweet life they have when using the RT @user style hashtag, which I prefer.
    Anyway, great post Greg, very informative! God bless your ministry!
    Reply 
    Peter Guirguis
    JULY 4, 2012 AT 5:52 PM
    Watching you on Twitter, John, is quite an inspiration! You are awesome! I love how much you tweet, share amazing links, and you respond to others when you can. I think it so great to be able to spread the Gospel online!
    Tomorrow I have a blog post that is going to be quite controversial. It’s about the God particle that was verified today. I’m going to share it with atheists and agnostics. I’m sure you’ll get pulled into the conversation somehow like you always do
    Please let me know John if you ever need something tweeted. I love to re-tweet anything that’s close to your heart
    Reply 
    JULY 4, 2012 AT 6:35 PM
    Thanks John! I suspect you know more about Twitter then I do! I agree with you about 2 and 3!
    Blessings to you
    Reply 
    Jeanette H Fonseca
    JULY 5, 2012 AT 1:14 PM
    Thanks, for posting I’m kind of a tweet idiot lol jk, but thank you for the helpful insight. God bless and keep up the great work . For Gods Glory
    Reply 
    Peter Guirguis
    JULY 5, 2012 AT 1:46 PM
    Thanks Jeanette, I think Greg did a great job in writing this article. Looking forward to connecting with you on twitter
    Reply 
    ☞ Jesus Is Alive ☜
    JULY 6, 2012 AT 9:13 AM
    Thanks for the information I’m learning how to use twitter and I’m finding ” Not Ashamed Of The Gospel ” very helpful. God Bless One & ALL Amen. (-:
    Reply 
    JULY 14, 2012 AT 9:39 AM
    Yes this is a great site to help us all! I’m glad you found the info helpful.
    Reply 
    Terra Newsome
    JULY 8, 2012 AT 1:18 PM
    This is WONDERFUL info Greg! Congrats to you my brother in the Lord! This post sheds a lot of great information to reach out to other followers of Christ as well as the lost.
    Reply 
    Peter Guirguis
    JULY 8, 2012 AT 2:19 PM
    I’m sure Greg is going to be so happy when he reads your comment I hope you’ll be joining us in our online evangelism efforts. God bless you Terra!
    @twitter-65527890:disqus @disqus_E7CtTtrgv8:disqu
    Reply 
    JULY 14, 2012 AT 9:38 AM
    Thank you Terra! Great to see you here.
    Reply 
    JULY 25, 2012 AT 12:43 PM
    It was this blog post that convicted me to get a twitter page. Needed this!
    Follow me @EmissaryNChains
    Reply 
    Peter Guirguis
    JULY 25, 2012 AT 12:59 PM
    Following you know Trave
    Reply 

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