• A New Heart Through Angels

  • If you have something in your body that isn’t fixable according to the doctors, did you know there is a replacement waiting for you in God’s storeroom? A man named Gary Wood was a friend of Kenneth Copeland. He wrote a powerful book titled A Place Called Heaven, in which he describes what happened to him when he was killed in a car accident at the age of 18.
    When he arrived in heaven, a friend of his who had gone to heaven a short time before, met him there and escorted him to what he described as a huge place where there were arms, legs, hearts, brains, shoulders, eyes—every human body part.
    He asked his friend, “What is this place?”
    His friend said, “This is the spare parts room. The Father has these available for His family. All people have to do is call for them, but most of them don’t.” He told Gary that when people prayed and believed for a miracle, an angel was dispatched to carry it out.
    Find out more about the 3 Ways Angels are at Your Service HERE.
    That’s what happened to a man who recently testified to Kenneth. He had been struggling with heart trouble and was scheduled for open-heart surgery. As a believer in the Word of God, he had been standing strong and believing for his healing. He hadn’t budged over into fear, doubt or unbelief.
    One night, as he was sleeping, he suddenly woke up. He looked up and saw what appeared to be a man standing over him with his hands in his chest, moving things around. It was an angel!
    The angel smiled and said, “Everything’s going to be OK. Go back to sleep.”
    The man went back to sleep, and when he woke up the next morning, he had a brand-new heart. He never had to have the surgery, and his heart trouble was gone.
    That is the healing ministry of angels—to carry out the miracles, blessings and promises of God.
    You may not see your angel as this man did, but you can expect your angel to work with you to manifest power in your life. Ask the Lord, “Father, reveal to me how to activate my angel—how I can aid him in ministering to my family and me.”
    Stand on the Word of God and believe that He will carry out what He has promised—maybe even by the ministry of angels.
    THE BLESSING of Abraham listed in Deuteronomy 28:1-14 is a declaration that empowers us to prosper and succeed in life!
    Join Pastor George Pearsons as he teaches this verse-by-verse study of THE BLESSING of Abraham with Gloria Copeland. Get 10 messages on MP3 for only $7. Offer good Feb. 16-22, 202

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