16 New Year Money Moves To Start 2020 Financially Smart
Is improving your finances one of your goals this year?
Perhaps money-related New Year’s resolution are not your cup of tea. However, it’s never too late to start making money moves for 2020. All of us have different financial situations and goals.
Despite these differences, we can all take steps to strengthen our financial future. I personally like the challenge of seeing how I can make this year better than the last. Pursuing short-term and long-term money goals is one way to continue the New Year’s motivation for a fresh start.
Automate Your Finances
How often do you forget to pay a bill, transfer your extra cash into savings, or set aside cash for a large purchase? Managing your finances requires diligence but isn’t rocket science, thankfully.
Automating your finances can reduce your money stress. Most banks and brokerages let you schedule recurring bill payments, investments, and money transfers. Some banks may also offer low account balance alerts and bill reminders to avoid unnecessary fees.
You should still review your accounts monthly for unusual activity and to track your purchases. This monthly review should only take a few minutes to see if you’re achieving your money goals. Kudos if you’re on track. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments as needed to keep your momentum humming.
Make a Spending Plan
Do you know how you spend or save each dollar you earn? If not, consider making a spending plan to track your expenses to verify your finances are improving. Your plan can be as simple as ensuring you spend less than you earn.
You may find it more rewarding to create an in-depth plan. The increased oversight gives you more clarity with how much you spend, save, and donate.
A budgeting app makes it easy to track spending by category, monitor account balances in real-time, and plan future savings goals.
Negotiate or Cancel Unwanted Subscriptions
It’s always a good idea to periodically review your recurring monthly expenses. You may discover that you’re paying for services you no longer use. In other instances, you might have an older and more expensive plan. Switching to a current plan can save you money.
Calling customer service to negotiate your bills lets you compare your options to see if you qualify for the best rates. As time is a precious commodity, you can enlist a third-party service to negotiate on your behalf. Most services are free but keep some of the savings they secure.
Compare Auto and Home Insurance Quotes
Insurance is oftentimes a “set it and forget it” expense. The only time you may look at your premium is when you get a speeding ticket, file a claim, or purchase a replacement vehicle.
Now can be a good time to compare rates if you haven’t gone rate shopping in a few years. You may already be paying the lowest rate although brand loyalty doesn’t guarantee rock-bottom premiums. Comparing rates can give you the peace of mind of having ample coverage at the best price.
Aggressively Pay Off Debt
High-interest debt can easily become one of your largest monthly expenses. If you currently have any loans with an APR of at least 10%, focus on making extra monthly payments.
It’s positive progress even if you can only spare an extra $20 each month.
One repayment strategy to consider is making biweekly payments. Every two weeks you make a half payment. Assuming your regular monthly payment is $400, you pay $200 every 14 days. You make the equivalent of 13 monthly payments each calendar year.
Make Earning Passive Income a Priority
One of the best ways to put your money to good use is earning passive income. Each dollar you invest can multiply thanks to compound interest and rising asset prices.
The most effortless way to invest is buying index funds and target-date funds. These two instruments have low investment minimums, low management fees, and can be purchased from most brokerages. Research the options available in your 401(k), IRA, and taxable accounts.
If you’re uncomfortable investing by yourself, consider hiring a financial advisor or robo-advisor. Choosing a service that does the best job of helping you understand their investment strategy is a good start. The most common approach is the Modern Portfolio Theory which invests in various stock and bond asset classes with age-appropriate risk tolerance.
Invest in Alternative Asset Classes
Investing in alternative assets can be a smart way to expand your passive income streams. These assets don’t always move in tandem with the broad stock market. It’s possible to see smaller portfolio declines or even continue to earn income during a stock market correction.
Some of the alternate assets to consider first include:
Perform your due diligence before investing in these assets. Each asset type has their own set of potential risks and rewards. When possible, consider investing small amount of money to gradually build a position with dollar cost averaging.
Max Out Your IRA Contributions
Many of us look for ways to reduce our yearly income tax bills. An easy way to find tax relief is investing with an individual retirement account (IRA). You only pay taxes once on the contribution.
The annual IRA contribution limit for most in 2020 is $6,000. You can contribute up to $7,000 if you’re age 50 or older. Don’t forget that you have until the federal tax filing deadline (usually April 15) to make contributions for the prior tax year. This can be an easy last-minute tax deduction.
Traditional IRA contributions reduce your taxable income for the current tax year. The contribution grows tax-deferred and you pay taxes on the withdrawal amount in retirement.
If you don’t need the immediate tax deduction a Roth IRA can be better. You pay income taxes in the current tax year but you can make tax-free withdrawals.
Contribute to a Health Savings Account
A lesser-known way to reduce your taxable income is contributing to a health savings account (HSA). You can qualify for an HSA if you have a high deductible health plan.
In 2020, individuals can contribute up to $3,550 and family contributions can’t exceed $7,100.
Your contributions can reduce your taxable income for the current tax year. You can invest your balance and the withdrawals can be tax-free for qualifying medical costs.
Save for College
A dream for many parents is helping pay for their child’s college education. More students graduate with a diploma and a hefty student loan balance. Saving for college is more important than ever before.
A 529 plan is the best option for most families due to the flexible contribution and withdrawal rules. Your contributions might help you at tax time. Withdrawals are tax-free for most higher education expenses.
Start a Sinking Fund
Do you plan ahead for large expenses or figure out how to pay them as they arise? Instead of pulling from your emergency fund, use a sinking fund. Proactively saving for the inevitable large expense means you are less likely to delay a purchase or borrow money.
You transfer cash each month into a separate bank account. Don’t use this account to pay your monthly bills. Each sinking fund is for a single purpose such as family vacation, home repairs, or a new car.
Make a Will
Many young parents and busy professionals overlook writing a last will and testament. Truth is, nobody is promised tomorrow. Taking the time to plan your estate can prevent confusion among your loved ones.
You can create a will online or hire a local lawyer. Remember to make changes as your family grows.
Get Term Life Insurance
Another way to protect your family’s financial future is getting term life insurance. Even if you currently have employer-provided life insurance, it’s wise to have a standalone policy. You don’t risk a coverage gap if you develop a pre-existing condition and switch employers.
An independent policy can also be a smart move when you need a higher coverage amount to cover your outstanding debts and to replace your current salary.
Term life insurance is your most cost-effective option as you can get higher coverage amounts with a lower monthly premium. Strive to become self-insured as your net worth increases.
Improve Your Credit
Your credit report and credit score can tell potential lenders, landlords, and employers how you handle money. Having clean credit can be more beneficial than you imagine as you may gain a competitive advantage for getting a new job or renting a new apartment. Qualifying for the best interest rates is another benefit.
At a minimum, review your credit reports once a year to look for reporting errors and potential identity fraud. Annualcreditreport.Com is the official government website to get your report from the Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion credit bureaus for free each year.
There are several free credit score websites to monitor your credit. You can receive monthly score updates to track your progress. It’s also possible to receive real-time credit monitoring alerts if suspicious activity like credit applications or new financial account openings occur.
Read At Least One Financial Book
Another way to improve your finances or expand your knowledge is by reading a financial book. Aim to read at least one money book per year. Many successful business leaders read as many as 50 books each year.
Choose a book that teaches you a new skill or inspires you to improve on your current ability. You may even decide to read someone’s biography to emulate their successful habits.
Learn a New Skill
Teaching yourself a new skill lets you save money on future expenses. It’s also possible to earn extra money if you have the time and desire for a side hustle.
Your possibilities include:
There are plenty of money moves you can make this year. Your main goal should be to improve your finances.
The rewards can be worth the initial effort.
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