• Franklin Graham : Sharing ‘Good Tidings of Great Joy’

  • By Franklin Graham • December 17, 2019
    Will Graham preaching the Gospel in Canada.
    Christmas at the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dear Friend,
    At the Savior’s birth, an angel of the Lord appeared in the darkened Bethlehem countryside, startling shepherds with this now-familiar pronouncement: “ Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great
    joy which will be to all people” (Luke 2:10, NKJV).
    The Christmas story reminds us that
    multitudes around the world have never had an opportunity to hear those good tidings of great joy . This is the Good News: Christ has come into the world to save us from our sins.
    My father preached the Good News of the Savior all over the world—and we continue preaching the unchanging Word of God “to the ends of the earth ” (Acts 1:8, HCSB). We are preparing for next year’s Graham Tour in the U.K., where I will be preaching in eight cities. Our first stop in the British Isles will be in the north in Glasgow—Scotland’s largest city. Then, we will head south down the island to the cities of Newcastle, Sheffield, and Milton Keynes. Next, we move northwest to the maritime city of Liverpool, where the River Mersey meets the Irish Sea. After that, the tour stops at Birmingham and Cardiff, before finally ending in the capital city of London.
    So much of American history is tied to England. They are not only one of our closest allies today, but they have been for decades. My father enjoyed extensive ministry in the U.K., preaching more there than any other place in the world outside of the United States. Like much of the world, England and Europe are changing rapidly as godless secularism continues to take over. We may not have another opportunity like this one before us. Pray for God to work mightily to change people’s hearts and lives during these evangelistic events.
    We are basing these events on our Decision America Tours in the United States, where I preach the Gospel , lead a time of prayer for the nation, and call on Christians to take a stand for Biblical values.
    >> Give the gift of Jesus this Christmas.
    In late October, nearly 3,000 people attended launch events in the tour’s eight cities. Preparations are now underway, churches are coming together, and people are praying. There is much excitement among pastors and Christians about the tour.
    A pastor named Alex joined more than 300 others for the launch event in Cardiff, Wales, and he shared his story with the team. In 1984, as a successful doctor and a young engaged man, he knew something was missing in his life. A Christian invited him to attend my father’s upcoming Crusade in Liverpool, and he witnessed thousands fill the famous Anfield soccer stadium. “The atmosphere was electric,” he recalled. As my father preached, the Holy Spirit moved thousands of searching hearts—including Alex’s—to respond to the Gospel in repentance and faith.
    Alex became a pastor, and today he leads a ministry dedicated to seeing lives transformed by the Gospel. His heart is burdened to share the same gift he received decades ago in Anfield Stadium— the gift of hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
    “I need to be involved with the Graham Tour because of the life-changing impact it has on people when the message of truth is preached,” Alex said. “It’s such a unifying message that brings churches together—there isn’t anything like it in the world.”
    As we reflect on all that the Lord has done through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in 2019 to bring lost men and women to faith in Him, we give Him all the glory. This year we preached the Gospel in countries including Thailand, Australia, Colombia, and Albania. And, closer to home, we held evangelistic events in Hawaii, Montana, seven states in the Northeast, and North Carolina. In every place, we saw God change lives through the
    power of the Gospel.
    My son Will recently returned from sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ at the Baker Lake Celebration of Hope in Nunavut, Canada . Baker Lake is one of the Canadian Arctic’s few inland communities. The region of Nunavut is a sparsely populated one, but the Lord cares about every soul there.
    >> Make a year-end gift to share the hope of Christ around the world.
    I just held an evangelistic event in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Pray that many who accepted Christ will be grounded, grow, and be strengthened to stand for Him. Buddhism is the religion of the vast majority in Cambodia, and its influence is great. Ask God to strengthen churches there and give them boldness as they share the Gospel with others.
    The Lord has already opened many doors of opportunity for 2020. Besides preaching in multiple cities across Florida and the U.K., we are also planning BGEA evangelistic events in Guam, South Korea, India, Germany, and Canada, as well as Georgia, West Virginia, and six other U.S. states.
    In the coming days, hundreds will hear the true meaning of Christmas at the
    Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, and I hope you and your family will make plans to come. Please pray for many people to make life-changing decisions during their visit.
    Despite what the world may say or wish, there is no other way to be saved than through the Cross. There are many ways to share the Gospel message—but they all bring people to Jesus Christ, our one and only Savior. Your prayers and financial support help take that Good News to people all over the world.
    May this Christmas be a time of joy and hope in your home and in your hearts, with Jesus as the center.
    Have a wonderful Christmas,
    Franklin Graham

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